biting her nails

biting her nails





Feel Like Dance




Calling a wrong number, right? What's wrong? What's wrong with you? 笑顔をさがしに街へ出て 流れこむリズムに乗って 心臓が動く 動く 動く この苛立ちも行き場を失って キレイな色に見えるけどね 明かりは私の心おおってく Pink の香りにむらがる本能 そんな生きものだ なんて笑ってる She's biting her nails She's biting her nails Hiding her light Hiding her face She's biting her nails She's biting her nails She's hiding her mind I want to know why you're so alone What's the matter with you? What's wrong? What's wrong with you? それをよろこびあやつる凡能に 成り下がりたくはないから動く 動く どこか曲がった欲望を 今も尚まねた love love love 自分に酔いしれ とけあう2人に残るしずくは おのれの顔にかかるだけ うすっぺらな満たされ方 笑い合う高なる声に 私は耳をふさぐ 汗を流すこと涙を流すこと 何のためだかわからなくなってるよ 未だになんでかわからない She's biting her nails She's biting her nails Hiding her light Hiding her face She's hurting her nails She's biting her nails Hiding in silence for who? She's hiding the air She's hiding her face She's hiding the space She's hiding her face She's biting her nails She's still biting nails She's still biting nails in her room I heard my phone ring Pick up the phone and think Who can it be at this time? Who can call me on this line? I wanna hear your story I wanna hear your story I wanna hear your story True and clear 空気の悪いその場所で 交わす2人の言葉の罪は おのれの心につつまれてくだけ くだけくだけ散っていくよ She's biting her nails She's biting her nails She's hiding her face She's hiding the earth She's hurting her nails She's biting her nails She's hiding her face She's hiding her mind She's biting her nails She's biting her nails She's hiding her face She's hiding her mind She's biting her nails She's biting her nails She's hiding the space over who? I can't help you Gone gone gone I'm worried about her but I can't help you
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