熊媽媽抱抱睡.鋼琴自然搖籃曲 ( Nature Lullaby)
風之通道-選自《龍貓》 (The Path of the Wind (My Neighbour Totoro))
神隱少女 / 宮崎駿.經典動畫音樂盒 (Miyazaki Hayao Collection)
瑟魯之歌-選自《地海戰記》 (Teru's Song (Tales From Earthsea))
永遠同在-選自《千與千尋》 (Always With Me (Spirited Away))
人生的旋轉木馬-選自《哈爾的移動城堡》 (The Merry-Go-Round of Life (Hawl's Moving Castle))
隔壁的龍貓-選自《龍貓》 (My Neighbour Totoro (My Neighbour Totoro))
再見了,夏天-選自《來自虞美人之坡》 (Sayonara no Natsu(Kokurikozakakara))
懸崖上的金魚姬-選自《懸崖上的金魚姬》 (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea))
娜烏西卡安魂曲-選自《風之谷》 (Nausicaa Requiem (Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind))
我的家庭真可愛 (Home, Sweet Home)
寶寶睡眠搖籃曲.熊媽媽鋼琴演奏音樂 (Piano Lullaby for Kids)
奇異恩典 (Amazing Grace)
溫柔圍繞-選自《魔女宅急便》 (Been Enveloped By Tenderness(Kiki's Delivery Service))
美麗的風鈴草 The Bluebells Of Scotland
寶寶鋼琴搖籃曲:聖誕演奏集 (Christmas Lullaby for Kids)
散步-選自《龍貓》 (Stroll-The Opening Song (My Neighbour Totoro))
夢境裡的那座城堡 I Dreamt I Dwelt In Marble Halls
寶寶鋼琴搖籃曲:睡前聽兒歌 (Piano Lullaby for Kids)
伴隨著你-選自《天空之城》 (Carrying You (Castle in the Sky))