Yojiro Noda/Traditional
Yojiro Noda/Traditional
well i hope you don't mind/cuz nothing's really all right/the Demo's you're doing's
nothing better than mosquitoes/now du-wala-du is what you have to listen to/please be neat
and be an E.T/this agitation is a noble invitation/patients never gives me a question to
this infernal question/now you/it's you who's gonna say that is through to
Mr.Priminisiter go sister no sister now go gO GO
東と西の次は 北と南なんです
閉じてたはずの目も うまい具合に開いていて
It's overloaded and highly wounded but chain reacted and this must be my life
I wonder if I should die
It's highly practiced and over reacted and totally retarted that's our life
I wonder if I should lie
Sing along with a Donkey Kong with a little bit of funky dancing' man
Yes I do,well I do like Humpty Dumpty E.D.P's gonna love this one
up and hop and shut' em up and dance
あり得ないことがあり得ちゃう これ以上はきっともうどうかしちゃう
すったもんだして吹って飛んだお前の右手は まだ生きたがってる
It's overborded and surly effected I really hated but this must be my life
I wonder if I should smile
尖る声は己が胸に 揺れる意志は友と共に
こんな僕にもできること 飛んで火にいる夏の君
その時は 僕も…