The City of Broken Souls (feat. Casper Yang)

The City of Broken Souls (feat. Casper Yang)


作詞 Niki

作曲 Niki



走 踢著石頭 緩緩的走 眼看這車水馬龍 風 擦身而過 牽著憂愁 你抬起頭 Would you like another round? You’ve been there staring for quite some time You’re scared of being left When the sun goes down and you got no place to go 而你不願停留 讓時間蹉跎 生命像老樹般剝落 You’ll be where you wanna be Just need to get lost to be found You the lonely one Wander in streets while they are throwing parties Lights shining, cabs are rushing Do you treat your soul alright? You the lonely one Forced to grow in this madness jungle But great ones never were born They were just like you In the city of broken souls You don’t know who you are or what you will be But you just can’t stop from dreamin’ You fell down to your knees Saying you couldn’t breathe But you’re gonna be fine 就跟著墜落 一路到盡頭 這現象就是生活 懵 懵懵懂懂 也不是過錯 就一笑帶過 They’d say you’re acting strange You shouldn’t have step outside the line 將就犯的過錯 不再緊握 就讓它遠走 這街燈一盞一盞 漸漸變暗 孑然一生的逃犯 窗頭一扇一扇 靜靜的看 孤獨的浪漫 這街燈一盞一盞 照亮了黑暗 憂鬱中一點湛藍 這行頭一般一般 卻乘載著 不平凡的平凡 這街燈一盞一盞 照亮了黑暗 憂鬱中一點湛藍 這行頭一般一般 卻乘載著 不平凡的平凡 You the lonely one Forced to grow in this madness jungle But great ones never were born They were just like you In the city of broken souls



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