


作詞 毛衍七

作曲 毛衍七



惡魔的眼淚將我埋下 再也不會感覺到害怕 謝謝賦予我的才華 得到它要付出些代價 和你一起墜落黃金海岸 我說Morning star 別太緩慢 風聲在我耳邊輕輕感歎 擁抱我的時間太過短暫 Let me let me fall to the fucking deep If you want,I will give you all of me Bargain with the devil Drive me to your hell 不需要誰的拯救Under fucking six feet 每個安靜洶湧的夜晚 迷失在 漫天星空的陪伴 溺死在 波浪起伏的蔚藍 其實在 等窒息後涅槃 My burning comes from fire 痛苦中找快樂 I don’t feel a bit tired Give me one more time Looking for the morning star Lead me to the morning star You are my morning star You are my morning star My burning comes from fire 痛苦中找快樂 I don’t feel a bit tired Give me one more time Looking for the morning star Lead me to the morning star You are my morning star You are my morning star Show u my dark side 別用翅膀將我覆蓋 感受你的存在 Baby till I die 阻礙化成動力 是你指引 教會我的道理 只要你永遠不把我拋棄 我願為你探索地獄的奧秘 墮落的天使讓我與你為伍 不需要光明切段所有退路 如果生命在此刻拉下帷幕 我要熱烈的就像蝴蝶飛舞 我從沒見過流星 螢火蟲盤旋頭頂 它也想一探究竟 My burning comes from fire 痛苦中找快樂 I don’t feel a bit tired Give me one more time Looking for the morning star Lead me to the morning star You are my morning star You are my morning star My burning comes from fire 痛苦中找快樂 I don’t feel a bit tired Give me one more time Looking for the morning star Lead me to the morning star You are my morning star You are my morning star My burning comes from fire 痛苦中找快樂 I don’t feel a bit tired Give me one more time Looking for the morning star Lead me to the morning star You are my morning star You are my morning star



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