兒童聖誕音樂 耶誕夜兒歌 溫馨古典樂 (Children's Christmas Music)
祝你聖誕快樂 (We Wish You A Merry Christmas Children)
兒歌童謠.聖誕節快樂唱 (Christmas Songs for Kids)
小星星 (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
兒歌童謠.寶寶睡眠搖籃曲 (Baby Sleep Lullaby)
小星星 (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)
兒歌童謠.寶貝英文歌 (Nursery Rhymes for Kids)
貓咪 (Cat)
ABC字母歌(合唱版)(童謠)(ABC) (The Alphabet Song(Chorus version))(Nursery Rhymes)
兒歌 童謠 ABC 兒童音樂歡唱學英文 (Nursery Rhymes ABC for Study)
王老先生有塊地 (Old Macdonald Had a Farm)
兒歌童謠.快樂唱英文ABC (Sing English with Songs for Kids)
划船曲 (Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
字母歌 (The Alphabet Song)
和你 (With You)
搖呀搖寶貝(晚安曲)(寶寶搖籃曲) (Rock a Bye Baby)
瑪莉有隻小綿羊 (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
繞著桑樹叢走 (Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush)
頭兒肩膀膝腳趾(合唱版)(童謠) (Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes(Chorus version))(Nursery Rhymes)
ABC之歌(字母歌) (ABC Song)
柴可夫斯基:《胡桃鉗組曲》花之圓舞曲 (Tchaikovsky:The Nutcracker"Waltz of the Flowers")