California Love

California Love




California love 作词: North/Jessie Jia 作曲: North 编曲: North 混⾳: North ⺟带: North 录⾳: North / 刘屿弦 @ 三⽊ Studio Brand new love brand new love what u wanted 你身边新的⼈是你想要的吗? shitty stuff shitty stuff dummy stupid 追求的东⻄太糟糕、太愚蠢了 that\'s enough 我想去 LA don\'t cycle it again over again 不要再重复这⼀切,⼀次⼜⼀次地循环 California love that I can\'t wait 加州之爱,我迫不及待 that I can\'t wait it taste so sweet 如此⽢美,等待令⼈⼼驰神往 Malibu cafe sip lemonade 在⻢⾥布沐浴柠檬⽔的清凉 lemonade by the beach 沐浴柠檬⽔的清凉 Santa rosa lake recall the day 圣罗莎湖,回忆那⽇徜徉⻛中 recall the day ride by the wind 吹着⻛ Pasadena trip just you and me 在帕萨迪纳,只有你与我 you and me“masterpiece” 你和我,⼀幅杰作 永远都不会累 只要我在 La 剩下都⽆所谓 赚⼀点⽣活费 打扮到全⽅位 开⻋到 K town ⾮常美好 上扬嘴⻆ ⻛景刚好 我为之倾倒 来不及思考 La 的梦 记录的照⽚ 你能作证 共渡的夏天 看天空被粉⾊⽇落照亮眼中 听⼼跳跟随着引擎陪我⼀起疯 even i sleep 即使我⼊睡 tryna go back to that days i\'ve been dreaming 试图回到我梦寐以求的那些⽇⼦ nothing can stop me 没有什么能阻⽌我 I might be naive but i already grew up a lot 我很天真,但我已经成⻓了很多 that you can see 这⼀切你已看得⻅ i used to tell you before i will take you around 以前我告诉过你,我会带你四处⾛⾛ and that still means 这诺⾔依旧如初 follow my lead I will give that anything you need 跟随我,我会给你想要的⼀切 California love that I can\'t wait 加州之爱,我迫不及待 that I can\'t wait it taste so sweet 如此⽢美,等待令⼈⼼驰神往 Malibu cafe sip lemonade 在⻢⾥布沐浴柠檬⽔的清凉 lemonade by the beach 沐浴柠檬⽔的清凉 Santa rosa lake recall the day 圣罗莎湖,回忆那⽇徜徉⻛中 recall the day ride by the wind 吹着⻛ Pasadena trip just you and me 在帕萨迪纳,只有你与我 you and me“masterpiece” 你和我,⼀幅杰作



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