2018-09-27 · 華語/其他音樂
像是在充滿水氣霧煙裊裊的浴室裡,彼此身體相互纏繞,唱著:「霧裡透不過氣,呼一聲 沒回應,遊戲 ;霧裡透一口氣,輕聲一個回應,喘息」。 屋塔是霧裡的微微一道火光,謎一樣的閃爍,也是夢一場的朦朧,忽明忽暗的變奏,伴隨著歇斯底里的儀式音樂探討生與滅,神秘幽暗的外星語呢喃吟唱,歌唱著對於世界的未知,對於愛情的無奈,對於自己美好想像卻又無疾而終的狀態,瞬間引領著聽眾走進猶如飛蛾撲火的夢。U.TA, a dim flare glows enigmatically from afar a mist, hazing over a dreamy state under musical variations glitter here and there, emanates sounds that explore life and death with ceremonial-like compositions. The singing evokes uncertainty of the world we thought we knew, of unrequited love, and unabashed fantasies about oneself, which, as they turn out, were all in vain. Be prepared to be drowned in a bubble bath of deathly hallucinations.