無限飛行 Limitless Flight

無限飛行 Limitless Flight


2019-12-31 · 演奏/心靈紓壓

一場夢想的追逐 只為堅持當初的那一份感動 陶笛夢想家游學志 自己挑戰自己再出輯 力邀阿美族知名歌手舞思愛feat陶笛 網羅卡林巴名師張思絲與陶笛來次美麗的相遇 獨家收錄獻給彭政閔的應援曲<勇者之歌> 隨專輯贈送<勇者之歌>陶笛譜 Pursuing a dream, just to preserve that first feeling... Ocarina dreamer You Xuezhi has challenged himself to produce another album. He persuaded Wu Siai, well-known singer from the Amis people, to join him on this ocarina melody. He also brought in Zhang Sisi, master of the kalimba, to join him in this beautiful encounter. You Xuezhi recorded a solo performance of “The Song of the Brave” for Peng Cheng-min. Included with this album is ocarina score of “The Song of the Brave.” 1.消失在光年的妳 You, Lost in the Light-Years 2.大地的呼喚 The Cry of the Earth 3.燦爛的星空 The Brilliant Heavens 4.無人接聽 Nobody Will Pick Up 5.掌心的宇宙 The Universe in the Palm of Your Hand 6.乘著熱氣球上天空 Riding a Hot-Air into the Sky 7.藍灰色的眼淚 Blue-grey Tears 8.與妳再次相遇 To Meet You Again 9.盪著鞦韆上月球 Moon on a Swing 10.流星雨下的漫舞 Dancing Beneath Shooting Stars 11.最遙遠的一顆星 The Furthest Star 12.星空草原 Starry Plains Bonus 勇者之歌 Song of the Warrior 陶笛阿志這樣說… 2003年,我發行了第一張陶笛創作專輯。 2003年,我成為職棒兄弟象恰恰的球迷。 2019年9月29日彭政閔引退,「恰恰的引退」對我來說是個相對空虛的開始。 我長期追逐的球星,再也不能看他打球了。我開始回憶起我們的2003年…。 這10多年來,彼此從沒有為自己的夢想放棄過,2019年恰恰選擇邁入另一個人生旅程;而我也選擇讓自己沉澱、進化、再升級。我想為陶笛市場帶來更具創新的作品。這一次的專輯「無限飛行Ocarina12+」為了展現更高、更遠的企圖心,我特地選擇坐上熱氣球及飛行傘拍攝。這是一次超級棒的體驗,坐在上面我知道我的心依舊熾熱,我對陶笛依然保有熱情。 為了紀錄我與恰恰共同努力過的夢想,在這一次的專輯中,我決定獨家收錄當初為他寫的應援曲<勇者之歌>的曲+譜送給大家。我們兩人都曾經為夢想拚了命的努力,這是一段值得被紀念的歲月。謝謝恰恰,也謝謝我自己 。 In 2003, I released by my first album of ocarina music. And in 2003, I became a fan of the professional baseball player Peng Cheng-min. On September 29, 2019, Peng Cheng-min retired. For me, this brought an emptiness. I had been following my favor-ite star player for years. Now I would never see him play again. This made me think back on my own start as a musician, back in 2003. In more than fifteen years, and nei-ther of us had given up on his dream. Then in 2019, Peng Cheng-min decided to go live his own life, and I have decided sink down, then rise again. I want to give ocarina fans something new. The cover of this album, Limitless Flight – Ocarina 12+ shows people skydiving and riding in a hot air balloon. I chose these im-ages because they communicate my desire to go higher and further than I have before. Making this album was a great experience, and having finished it, I know that I am just as excited about the ocarina as ever. In order to record the dreams that Peng Cheng-min and I worked for, I am including in this album the song I wrote for him, both my recording and the music. He and I both worked hard to realize our dreams, and his retirement is worthy of commemora-tion. Thank you, Peng Cheng-min! And thank me,too. 消失在光年的妳 You, Lost in the Light-Years 作曲:游學志/謝漢克 Music:You Xuezhi/Hank Hsieh 編曲:謝漢克/游學志 Arrangement:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 木吉他/電吉他:王瑋 Guitar/Electric guitar:Wei Wong 貝斯:鄭乃涵 Bass: Zheng Naihan 感覺不會假裝 初次見妳內心學不會隱藏 妳我之間的距離讓我只能選擇遠遠的觀望 望著妳的喜怒哀樂彷彿我也曾參與一般 人生難免有遺憾 這種遺憾也只能往心裡藏 I Can’t Fake A Feeling The first time I saw you, I couldn’t hide my heart. The distance between us leaves me no choice to gaze from afar. Watching your joy and anger, sorrow and happiness, it’s like it’s happening to me. There are always regrets in life But this kind of regret can only be hidden in your hea 大地的呼喚The Cry of the Earth *取材阿美族飲酒歌 作曲:謝漢克/游學志 Music:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 作詞:舞思愛 Lyrics :Wu Siai 編曲:謝漢克/游學志 Arrangement:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 演唱:舞思愛/嘎造‧伊漾 Vocal:Wu Siai/Kacaw.lyang 合聲:黃詩雅/謝漢克 Harmony::Huang Shiya/Hank Hsieh 木吉他/電吉他:王瑋 Guitar/Electric guitar:Wei Wong 這一首曲子,運用了一個很特別的樂器旮亙。旮亙Kakeng(指竹鐘)是阿美族傳統婚禮女子招贅時用來報喜傳訊的用具。和聲的部分也特別邀請第七屆《超級星光大道》第三名也同是阿美族的歌手舞思愛一起合作。這樣的編排主要是想用原住民與天地相通的歌聲,來傳達大地萬事萬物帶給我們的感動。 In this piece, we sampled a very special instrument call Kakeng. It is used in the tradi-tional Amei Tribe’s wedding to celebrate the union of the couples. We also collaborate with the Amei Singer Usay Kawlu, who won the third place in the 7th season of 【Boulevard of Super Star】. Such arrangement of Taiwanese Aboriginal chant and sound palette is our appreciation of what the Mother Earth has given us. 燦爛的星空 The Brilliant Heavens 作曲:游學志 Music:You Xuezhi 編曲:謝漢克 Arrangement:Hank Hsieh 木吉他:王瑋 Guitar:Wei Wong 那一夜,在只有我們兩人的海邊。 海風吹撫妳輕柔的秀髮, 妳說:天地雖大,卻很難找一個家, 妳說,夢想很小,但卻希望它長大。 妳說了好多好多話,海風也帶走妳的聲音, 那時候望著妳側臉的我,心漏跳了好幾拍。 That night, when you and I were alone on the seashore, the wind blew your soft hair. You said: The world is huge, but it is hard to find a home. You said: Dreams are small, but we hope they grow. You said a lot, and the wind carried your words away to the sea. When you looked at me then, my heart pounded. 無人接聽 Nobody Will Pick Up *擷取iPhone Marimba 鈴聲及 Line 鈴聲 作曲:謝漢克/游學志 Music:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 編曲:謝漢克 Arrangement:Hank Hsieh 前奏的手機鈴聲 想必是我們日常生活中 每天都在重複的噩夢 總有人沒接到你的電話 總有人不想接你的電話 如果無人接聽 你會怎麼辦 你想怎麼辦 The ringing of the phone is just a prelude. I know it’s just part of my life, my daily nightmare. There are always people who don’t take your call. There are always people who don’t want to take your call. And if no one picks up, what will you do? What will you do? 掌心的宇宙 The Universe in the Palm of Your Hand 作曲:謝漢克/游學志 Music:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 編曲:謝漢克/游學志 Arrangement:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 手風琴: 蔡偉靖 Accordion: Cai Weijing 大提琴: 王郁文 Cello:Yuwen Wang 2008年,我的生命多了一個新成員。 我的女兒Tiffany來報到,接著是Eric,Bryan。 生活多了負荷,但多半的時候又覺得很甜蜜。 以前的自己會對人生有很多追求, 但自從有了這3隻之後, 有時候會覺得他們就是我的全宇宙。 In 2008, my life gained someone new: my daughter, Tiffany. Then came Eric and Bri-an. My life had new weight to it, but half the time it seemed so sweet. My life was filled with pursuit, but since these three arrived, they alone sometimes seem to be the entire universe. 乘著熱氣球上天空 Riding a Hot-Air into the Sky 作曲:謝漢克/游學志 Music:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 編曲:吳品賢 Arrangement:Wu Pinxian 烏克麗麗/木吉他/電吉他:吳品賢 Ukulele/Guitar/Electric guitar: Wu Pinxian 陶笛:楊斐真/許柏良/廖婉茹/陳玟妤/黃貝瑋/簡文龍/許凱傑/莊于瑩/林昀嫺/林湘芸/黃翊婷/賴奕麟/李淯荃/蔡岱㚬/何佳恩/葉宸汝/曾安/曾柔/江柏諺/林夏安/林季謙/曾友民/陳秀姝/李薏娟/宋柏儒/李名業/李名雋/沈芯羽/沈煒筌/林承諺/林博雯/邱惠琪/孫本仁/孫磊/張雅婷/陳亭屹/陳若儀/陳瑞祥/游瑞珠/游學正/黃信豪/黃淑貞/楊智堯/劉力瑜/劉力綺/劉翠華/鄭宇翔/賴璽宇/駱品妘/黃靜雯/周寬肜/陳威廷/林世唐/陳彥竹/溫志偉/廉雅媛/康秩群/張芯慈/張芯僑/紀艾昀/紀萱昀/陳妍諼/游惠文/林書良/林書安/詹子誼/蕭宇庭 有夢就要去追,去實現,這是我的信念。 今年我出版的是自己的第12張陶笛專輯, 我沒有以此為滿足, 反而覺得這是另一個起點。 帶我飛上天際的熱氣球幫我找到了更高更遠的答案。 If you have a dream, you should pursue it, make it real. This is my belief. This year I have made my twelfth album, but this will not satisfy me. It is only a start-ing point for me. It is like a hot-air balloon that will bring me into the sky and find higher and more distant answers. 藍灰色的眼淚 Blue-grey Tears 作曲:林義凱/游學志 Music:Lin Yikai/You Xuezhi 編曲:謝漢克 Arrangement:Hank Hsieh 小提琴:廖柏雅/盧思蒨 Violin:Kevin Liao/Szu-Chien Lu 中提琴:嚴子晴 Viola:Phyllis Yen 大提琴:王郁文 Cello:Yuwen Wang 想見它 ㄧ年只有一次機會 有機會 也不代表就能擁有看一眼的幸福 美景因爲稀有 才會讓人追尋 夢幻的美景總是有淡淡的哀愁 I want to see it, and each year there is only one chance, And a chance doesn’t mean I’ll actually see it. A beautiful view only attracts people because it is extraordinary, And an imagined view always has a touch of sadness. 與妳再次相遇 To Meet You Again 作曲:戴志龍/游學志 Music:Dai Zhilong/You Xuezhi 編曲:謝漢克 Arrangement:Hank Hsieh 拇指琴:張思絲 Kalimba:Zhang Sisi 小提琴:廖柏雅/盧思蒨 Violin:Kevin Liao/Szu-Chien Lu 中提琴:嚴子晴 Viola:Phyllis Yen 大提琴 王郁文 Cello:Yuwen Wang 烏克麗麗/吉他:吳品賢 Ukulele/Guitar:Wu Pinxian 所有濃烈的 愛恨的 情與愛的糾纏 多年後 當彼此都有了另一個牽絆 好像也已漸漸地淡忘 所有真心的 誠意的 朋友間的關懷 多年後 已化作對彼此最真誠的祝福 Meeting you again All the strong feelings of love and hate, the entanglements of love, After so many years, they should be bound together, but it seems they’ve gradually faded from memory. All the heartfelt and sincere concern among friends After many years has become honest congratulations. 盪著鞦韆上月球 Moon on a Swing 作曲:陳嘉文 Music:Chen Jiawen 編曲:王韻筑 Arrangement:Liv Wang 小提琴:廖柏雅/盧思蒨 Violin:Kevin Liao/Szu-Chien Lu 中提琴:嚴子晴 Viola:Phyllis Yen 大提琴:王郁文 Cello:Yuwen Wang 所有經過努力而獲得的果實應該是甜的 我想夢想的果實也是 從1999年接觸陶笛並愛上它開始 我相信我跟這個樂器結下了生命的緣分 如果夢想是長在月球上 我想我就算是拚了命還是會想去摘 Everything that comes through hard work is sweet, and I think the fruits of dreams are, too. Ever since I first met and fell in love with the ocarina in 1999, I have believed my fate to be bound to this instrument. Even if it grew only on the moon, I would still want to go there to find it. 流星雨下的漫舞 Dancing Beneath Shooting Stars 作曲:謝漢克/游學志 Music:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 編曲:謝漢克/游學志 Arrangement:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 浩瀚星空 流星劃過天際 我看到一個妳 十個妳 百個妳 千個妳 萬個妳 我在我眼裡看到了無數個妳 就在那個時候 我想我是戀愛了 In the celestial sky Shooting stars cross the heavens. I see you there—ten yous—a hundred—a thousand—ten thousand. In my eyes, there are innumerable yous. And that’s when I know I am in love. 最遙遠的那一顆星 The Furthest Star 作曲:陳嘉文 Music: Chen Jiawen 編曲:王韻筑 Arrangement:Liv Wang 小提琴:廖柏雅/盧思蒨 Violin:Kevin Liao/Szu-Chien Lu 中提琴:嚴子晴 Viola:Phyllis Yen 大提琴:王郁文 Cello:Yuwen Wang 木吉他:王瑋 Guitar: Wei Wong 我是被簇擁的 我也是孤寂的 有時候我也會問自己 還記得15年前的那個自己嗎 那個不顧一切都想證明的自己 回憶有時候就像是一把鑰匙 我會想打開記憶的盒子看看以前的我 I am surrounded And I’m alone. Sometimes I even ask myself If I remember how I was fifteen years ago. That me, who just wanted to prove everything. When I think about it, it’s like I have a bunch of keys, And I want to open up the safe and look at the old me. 星空草原 Starry Plains 作曲:光禹 Music: Guang Yu 編曲:謝漢克/游學志 Arrangement:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 木吉他:王瑋 Guitar:Wei Wong 小提琴:廖柏雅 Violin:Kevin Liao 空闊的草原往往是我跟自己對話的最佳場所 我可以把我的挫折說給微風聽 我可以把我的努力說給草原聽 我可以在那吼吼叫叫釋放壓力 大多數的時候草原是我的秘密基地 The wide-open plains are always my favorite place to talk with myself. I can tell the breeze about my frustrations, I can tell the grassy plain about my hard work, and I can shout out the pressures I feel. Most of the time, the grassy plain is my secret place. Bonus 勇者之歌 作曲:游學志 Music:You Xuezhi 編曲:謝漢克/游學志 Arrangement:Hank Hsieh/You Xuezhi 2001年,接獲兄弟象的邀請,希望我能為彭政閔寫一首主題歌, 那時就覺得他會是那種打三四棒的強打者, 所以我設計的旋律比較低沈, 想要營造出氣勢磅礡的感覺。 沒想到19年來,他真的就是關鍵時刻屢創佳績的英雄, 很榮幸我為恰恰量身訂做的應援曲,也跟著他傳唱了這麼多年...。 謹以此曲獻給恰恰-彭政閔 I have admired Peng Cheng-min since 2001. That same year I wrote “The Song of the Brave,” after he and the rest of the Elephants won the championship three years in a row. I followed them to 2004 Olympics in Athens, the 2007 World Baseball Classic, the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, the 2009 World Baseball Classic, the 2010 Asian Games, and the 2013 World Baseball Classic to show my support. Baseball really feeds my soul! Peng Cheng-min has given he best years to baseball in Taiwan. His persistence and hard work has been visible to all. After this season he is going to say goodbye to being a professional baseball player. I congratulate him and wish him all the best for the future. I am sure he is going to bring Taiwanese baseball to new heights in his new role. It was our great good fortune to be alive in the years when he was playing baseball.I dedicate this song to Peng Cheng-min – “Chia-chia” Thanks To 臺東縣高台好協會 天際航空股份有限公司 鹿野高台翱翔飛行傘 老王咖啡、王峻浩 永安茶園、碧蘿園好茶 陶笛夢想家-游學志 所有的追逐,只是因為不忘初衷...。 游學志,在台灣陶笛界你我都不陌生的名字,從2003年發行了第一張陶笛創作專輯『陶笛奇遇記』後,開始綻放光芒。2003年迄今,共發行了12張陶笛演奏專輯及多本陶笛教學譜。這十多年來,實體唱片市場的沒落,似乎沒能阻擋他每年都想要分享新作品的企圖心。他就這麼一步一步堅定地走著自己的陶笛路。他就這麼一次一次堅持地實現自己的陶笛夢。 因為覺得大家對陶笛只停留在『玩具』的階段,他拼了命的想要為它驗明正身成『樂器』,因而下了非常多的功夫。包括創立『台北陶笛樂團』,讓大家有一個固定的地方每天做音樂交流,每年有公演。更赴日本、韓國、大陸、香港、澳門等地演出,跟不同的陶笛家合作以獲取新的養分,這種好學的精神十多年如一日。問這樣的一個陶笛夢想家,推動他一直前進的動力是什麼?他說:『他要讓大家看到-陶笛阿志一直在進步。』就是這一種單純且純粹的心態,讓游學志一直到現在為止都敢於做自己的陶笛夢。 Ocarina Dreamer – You Xuezhi “Everything I pursue is because I have never forgotten that first hope...” You Xuezhi is a name known to everyone involved with the ocarina in Taiwan. His fame began with his first album of ocarina music, Happening Upon the Ocarina, re-leased in 2003. In the years since, he has released eleven more albums and many books about the ocarina. The sale of physical albums has declined but that has not af-fected A-Zhi’s creative output. He continues on his own path toward realizing his oca-rina dream. Because so many people think of the ocarina as “just a toy,” A-Zhi has worked very hard to show its possibilities as a musical instrument. This includes his work as founder of the Taiwan Ocarina Group, which gives everyone a play to come together and play music every day. The group offers public performances of ocarina music every year in Taiwan, and travels abroad to perform in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, and other places. They work together with international ocarina players and get a lot of inspiration from that cooperation. A-Zhi’s persistence and energy remain as strong as they were when he started, over a decade ago. If you ask this ocarina dreamer A-Zhi what keeps him going, he will say, “I want eve-ryone to see that I am always getting better.” This is the simple and focused attitude that has kept A-Zhi going as he pursues his ocarina dream. 發行:風潮音樂國際股份有限公司 Publisher: Wind Music International, Inc. 製作:陶笛阿志店 Production: Ocarina A-Zhi’s Shop 監製:游學志 Executive producer: Yuo Xuezhi 製作人:謝漢克 Producers: Hank Hsieh 企宣統籌:顏子婕 Planning and publicity: Yan Zijie 企劃、文案:陳姿懿 Planning and documentation: Chen Ziyi 宣傳:吳思蓓 Publicity: Wu Sibei 設計:鄭司維 Design: Zheng Siwei 妝髮:陳秋燕(舒妃) Makeup&hair:Chen Qiuyan 英文翻譯:霜洲創意英文 English text: Shuangzhou Creative English A&R: 游學志/謝漢克 Yuo Xuezhi / Hank Hsieh 錄音師: 錢瑋安/陳旗龍/徐振程/謝漢克 Recording Engineers:Zen Chien/Chris Chen/Jason Hsu/Hank Hsieh 錄音室:112F 錄音室/玉成戲院錄音室/六月十五音樂 Recording studios:112F Studio/Yuchen Studio/June 15th Music 剪輯:謝漢克/鄧依珊 Editing:Hank Hsieh/ Meilun Deng 混音師:Brian Elgin Mixing: Brian Elgin 混音錄音室:覺知音樂工作室 Mixing studio: Sentient Sound Labs 母帶後期處理工程師:Ben Wang 王秉煌 Mastering: Ben Wang 母帶後期處理錄音室:洋活音樂 Mastering studio: Yanghuo Music


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