

戴曉君 Sauljaljui

2019-12-31 · 華語/流行音樂

★ 語言零隔閡、風格跨疆界的全方位原民女力 ★ 葛萊美獎混音大師Dave Darlington 操刀母帶 部落女勇士的裡面 舞臺唱作歌手的外面 力與美的傳統曲調裡面 奔放搖擺的流行樂外面 穿梭POP、拉丁雷鬼、民謠及節奏藍調的另類新品種 戴曉君野性迸發與感性傾訴 「裡外」震撼耳目的極致之作 -- 以唱作型歌手之姿發行首張專輯的戴曉君,沉潛三年一面踏實耕耘部落生活,一面走踏台灣與世界的音樂舞台,面對豐富多元的文化衝擊與洗禮,戴曉君將汲取的養分一一轉化為創作。在流淌著排灣血液的身份下,一反樂壇以吉他進行創作的常態,採用鑽研多年的月琴作為發想,迸發出這張穿梭於流行、原住民曲調、拉丁雷鬼、民謠及節奏藍調等,令人無法輕言定義的極致跨界作品。 專輯由跨界音樂圈指定合作、吉他能手曾仁義擔任製作人,集結樂壇一線樂手參與錄製,從吉他、月琴、貝斯、鋼琴、打擊樂,到弦樂四重奏、銅管樂器,更大膽融入鼻笛與Didgeridoo製造獨特音色與曲風,並邀請到葛萊美混音大師Dave Darlington為母帶製作劃上完美的句點。 這一次,戴曉君是無懼的女勇士,在她情感收放自如的精準演繹下,企圖從音樂風格、部落文化與世界潮流的「裡裡外外」,扭轉大眾對母語創作與女性歌者的想像,成就一場歡愉律動又感性訴說的音樂盛典,顛覆你我的音樂視野。   〈英文版〉  The power of an indigenous woman transmitted through an inclusive style with no language barrier.  Mastering by Grammy Award-winner Dave Darlington. Inside, she is a woman of her tribe; outside, she is a singer and performer. Inside, she is full of a traditional form of power and beauty; outside, she boldly creates expressive pop music. Something new that mixes pop, Latin reggae, folk, and R&B. Sauljaljui jolts us with her unrestrained nature and expression of feelings in revealing her inner self. In this first album that she wrote the music to and sang the vocals for, this work of Sauljaljui’s is the result of a rich diversity of cultural influences from three years of life in her tribal village interspersed with experiences in the music sector of Taiwan and the world. With Paiwan tribe roots, she has cast aside the guitar, the go-to instrument in songwriting, for the yueqin, an instrument with which she has honed her skill for years. Switching among pop, traditional indigenous, Latin reggae, folk, and R&B, this album of amazing crossover music is hard to define. The album was produced by crossover musician and guitar master Tseng Jen-yi and includes input from many other outstanding musicians. The unique sound has been created by bringing together the guitar, yeuqin, bass, piano, percussion, a string quartet, brass instruments as well as the daring use of the less-known nose flute and didgeridoo. And the cherry on the top is the mastering by Grammy Award-winner Dave Darlington. The album is an exhibition of Sauljaljui’s spirit of a fearless warrior. Her precise and unfettered interpretation of feelings seeks to turn people’s thoughts about songs in relatively unknown languages and female vocalists from the inside and outside of music style, indigenous village culture, and global trends. The resulting tempo of joy and expression of feelings will push listeners’ ideas of music to new horizons.

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