郭修彧 Shio

2020-02-28 · 華語/流行音樂

郭修彧《EXIST》【夕霧花園】電影主題曲 Shio郭修彧為電影【夕霧花園】量身創作出一首極具感染力的英文主題曲《EXIST》。歌中描述了人與人之間為愛所留下的遺憾,希望可以透過像電影裡雲林為了紀念妹妹而建造花園般的寄託,找到可以原諒自己的出口,離開罪惡感。動人的旋律讓觀眾在落幕的那一刻久久不肯離席,彷彿再一次回放了戲中角色的濃厚情感,讓這一段歷史留下了如詩般的細膩雋永。既然我們無法避免傷痛那就建造一座屬於自己的花園讓遺憾得到原諒 。讓痛都能找到出口~Shio 郭修彧《EXIST》Don’t you forget me don’t you regret Keep me completely still beside youAway from the others, we are what matters now and nothing else Won’t you release me and won’t you forgive?Leave all your troubled thoughts behind youThere were none before followed by nothing more ever afterJust only me and you only me and youLet us walk into a wonder only we could see We believe we could dream infinitelySo lead us back into remembrance right into the mistRight before we would cease never to exist Won’t you release me and won’t you forgive?Leave all your troubled thoughts behind youThere were none before and after, nothing moreNow, only me and you me and you me and youLet us walk into the wonder only we could seeWe believe we could breathe infinitely So lead us back into remembrance right into the mistRight before we would cease never to exist existLet us walk into that garden only we could seeWe believe we could dream everlastinglySo lead us back into the garden right into the mistRight before we could cease never to existRight before we could cease never to exist




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