庸俗禿鷹 Vulgar Vultures

庸俗禿鷹 Vulgar Vultures

庸俗禿鷹 Vulgar Vultures

2020-02-26 · 華語/其他音樂

庸俗禿鷹 Vulgar Vultures首張同名專輯庸俗禿鷹是由主唱/吉他手-阿傑(前犬儒主唱/吉他手)、鼓手-阿威(前賽德費鼓手)所組成的另類搖滾樂團。以Alternative Rock、Post-Grunge為樂團核心曲風,阿傑自2016年發起並著手歌曲創作;原鼓手阿貓於2017年離團,隨即阿威於2018年加入,奠定樂團基底;2019年貝斯吉姆入團,但因個人生涯規劃在錄完專輯後即離團。阿傑和阿威兩個都是音響工程師,專輯錄音製作完全自行包辦,沈澱三年,庸俗禿鷹於2020年2月發行首張同名專輯。專輯由阿傑(製作過八十八顆芭樂籽,槍擊潑辣)操刀,製作錄音與混音,以樂團現場演出的方式同步錄音,編曲上邀請到知名小喇叭手-邱建二老師編了一曲管樂(病態說謊家),更找了新銳編曲老師-Liv編了一首搖滾樂加管弦樂的作品(如何),這首歌也邀請了南迴協會方舟教室的小朋友合唱了副歌!母帶後期處理由位在加州的Dave Collins Mastering(Soundgarden, Metallica)操刀完成。Vulgar Vultures is an alternative rock, post-grunge Band based in Taipei, Taiwan. The band consists of lead vocalist/guitarist Slater, drummer A-Wei. In 2016, Slater founded the band and began accumulating written materials,The first drummer Drumeow left in 2017, A-Wei joined forces the following year to sculpt out the band’s backbone and tone. In 2019, with the addition of Jim to the lineup, But after finished the recording of the album, Jim left the band.Slater and A-Wei both are sound engineers, they are making the album by themselves from producing to mixing.The debut album release on 2020 Feb.The album was produced, recorded and mixed by Slater C(88 Balaz, Guntzepaula), They recorded the whole band all together at the same time. One of the song(Sickness of Lie) brass arrange by Miles Chiu, another rock song with orchestra(How) arrange by Liv, the song also invited kid from Taitung to sing the chorus.The album mastered by Dave Collins Mastering(Soundgarden, Metallica)


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