


2021-03-30 · 電音舞曲

《次仁啦索》 作曲:民間 演唱:紮西尼瑪 填詞:紮西尼瑪 編曲:泰然 錄音:黃維 縮混:馮晨曦 母帶工程師:馮晨曦 監製:泰然 聯合出品:梵木創藝區,紮西尼瑪工作室,泰然工作室 發行:StreetVoice 歌詞大意: 次仁瑪拉頌 東方高山之巔,升起皎潔月亮,升起月亮之時,想起恩情父母, 為我恩情父母,獻上心中之歌,但願長命百歲,發自內心祈禱。 東方高山之巔,升起璀璨群星,升起群星之時,想起兒時夥伴, 為我兒時夥伴,獻上心中之歌,但願運勢如虹,心中暗暗祈禱,發自內心祈禱。 歡歡喜喜歌唱,歌唱幸福美滿,幸福美滿生活,但願運勢如虹,發自內心祈禱。 這首由紮西尼瑪改編歌詞並演唱,泰然編曲並監製,梵木創藝區出品的新歌《次仁啦索》,是兩位元資深音樂人首次“跨圈”合作,打破了傳統音樂形式,將西藏民歌與時下流行電子音樂融合,歌曲不僅保留了西藏原生態民歌的文化,在對民族音樂的傳承與保護的基礎上進行了大膽的創新,混搭時下流行音樂元素-電子音樂,增加了《次仁啦索》的節奏感與層次感,這首新穎“混搭”曲風也大程度體現了音樂的多元化發展以及新時代的音樂市場發展需求。獨特而動感的曲風與紮西尼瑪極具辨識度的嗓音,賦予了這首更深沉真摯的情感,流露出對親情、友情、愛情最淳樸的祈願與祝福,也是對未來美好生活的嚮往。 【Tsering mala song】 Composition: Folk Singing: Tashi-Nyima Lyrics: Tashi-Nyima Arrangement: Tai Ran Recording: Huang Wei Downmix: Feng Chenxi Mastering Engineer: Feng Chenxi Producer: Tai Ran Co-produced: Fanmu Creative Art Zone, Tashi Nyima Studio, Tairan Studio Release: StreetVoice The meaning of the lyrics: Tsering mala song On the top of the eastern mountains, the bright moon rises, when the moon rises, I think of my loving parents, For my kind parents, I would like to offer the song of my heart, I hope I will live a hundred years, and pray from the bottom of my heart. On the top of the eastern mountain, bright stars rise, when the stars rise, I think of my childhood friends, To my childhood friend, I would like to offer the song of my heart, I hope my luck is like a rainbow, and I pray in my heart and pray from my heart. Sing happily, sing a happy life, a happy life, I hope the fortune is like a rainbow, and pray from the heart. This new song "Tsering mala song" produced by Tashi Nyima, arranged and supervised by Tashi Nyima,is the first "cross-circle" collaboration between two senior musicians, breaking traditional music. The form integrates Tibetan folk songs with current popular electronic music. The song's not only retain the original culture of Tibetan folk songs, but also make bold innovations based on the inheritance and protection of folk music, mixing and matching current popular music elements-electronic music, and adding In addition to the rhythm and layering of "Tsering mala song", this novel "mix and match" style also reflects to a large extent the diversified development of music and the development needs of the music market in the new era. The unique and dynamic style and Tashi Nyima’s recognizable voice give this song a deeper and sincere emotion, expressing the simplest prayers and blessings for family, friendship, and love, and it is also a good life for the future. Yearn for.




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