2022-01-05 · 西洋/古典音樂
丹尼男孩(流水、鳥鳴) (Danny Boy (Running water、Bird calls))
空靈清澈(療癒水滴) (Ethereal and Clear(Water Drop))
歌劇賽爾斯(蟲鳴鳥鳴) (Largo (from Xerxes)(Cicada Bird calls))
冥想鋼琴曲 (Meditation Piano)
走入寧靜 (Into Peaceful)
天鵝(蟲鳴鳥鳴) (The Swan from Carnival of the Animals(Cicada Bird calls))
葛利格:清晨(柴火) (Grieg:Morning Mood(Firewood))
閱讀時的寧靜 (雨聲) (Quiet Reading Time (Rain))
聖桑:動物狂歡節.天鵝(划船) (Saint-Saens:The Swan from Carnival of the Animals(Boating))
蕭邦:夜曲,作品9-2號(雨夜) (Chopin:Chopin Nocturne E Flat Major Op.9 No.2(Night Rain))
靈光乍現 (Moving Through Twilight)
晨曦 (Dawn)
四季 (Four Seasons)
布拉姆斯:搖籃曲(柴火) (Brahms:Lullaby(Firewood))
柴可夫斯基:《胡桃鉗組曲》花之圓舞曲(柴火) (Tchaikovsky:The Nutcracker'Waltz of the Flowers'(Firewood))
晨霧浮光 (Morning Mist)
夜晚的靈感 (Enlighten the night)
一個人靜靜地聽(舒適海邊) (Listening Quietly(Peaceful Sea))
蕭邦:離別曲(柴火) (Chopin:Etude Op.10-3 'Tristesse' (Firewood))
巴哈:小步舞曲(柴火) (Bach:Minuet in G Major(Firewood))
舒曼:夢幻曲(柴火) (Schumann:Traumerei(Firewood))
治癒 (Cure)
時光的感動 (The Distant Touch)
古老的大鐘(蟲鳴鳥鳴) (Grandfather's Clock(Cicada Bird calls))
為靈魂歌頌 (Praise for the Soul)
睡眠導入BGM 湛藍湖水新世紀鋼琴 鋼琴放鬆輕聽 (Peaceful Piano and Nature Lake Sounds)
鋼琴豎琴睡眠協奏曲:古典樂精選 (Beautiful Relaxing Piano & Harp Music)
鋼琴放鬆輕聽 睡眠 音樂森林樂章 (Beautiful Relaxing Piano & Nature Music)
鋼琴 大提琴二重奏 古典樂精選 ASMR的森林協奏曲 (Beautiful Relaxing Piano & Cello Music)
鋼琴睡眠曲:大師級古典名曲精選輯 (Soft Classical Piano for Sleeping)