Hundred Times

Hundred Times

Lizzy Wang & VaVa毛衍七

2022-06-23 · 華語/流行音樂

亞洲頂級女DJ/製作人Lizzy Wang聯手中國說唱女王VaVa毛衍七帶來華麗驚喜,她們的最新單曲《Hundred Times》在華納音樂旗下亞洲電音廠牌WHET RECORDS重磅來襲。在浪漫主義的Trap風格下,在性感而略帶慵懶嗓音,輕快跳躍的Hook配上富有個性的說唱,仿佛在盛夏的夜風中淺酌一杯藍色瑪格麗特,微醺地注視遠方所愛之人,氣氛微妙而愛意濃郁。“神志不清的我像打碎的酒杯,搖搖欲墜就像剛失去了脊椎。”僅此一眼,我便跌落在你滿是星辰大海的眼裡。當愛情與現實碰撞時,讓我們彼此陷入了沉默。“Please boy take me to the other side, I’ll do it hundred times for you.”無論如何我還是會為你墜落,就像我生命中斬不斷的羈絆。無論現實多麼殘酷,我都會為你傾其所有,我只為擁抱生命中唯一的你。Asian’s TOP female DJ/Producer Lizzy Wang teams up with Chinese rap queen VaVa for a gorgeous surprise,their latest single "Hundred Times" will be release on Warner Music's Pan-Asian dance label WHET Records.With a romantic trap style and a sexy, lazy bass, VAVA's new song creates a relaxed flavor of a seaside tavern. The breezy, bouncy hook is paired with characterful rapping, as if you're sipping a blue margarita in the summer breeze, gazing drunkenly at your loved one in the distance, in a subtle, loving atmosphere. With just one glance, I fell into your starry eyes. When love collides with reality, it leaves us in silence with each other."Please boy take me to the other side, I'll do it hundred times for you." No matter what I'll still fall for you, like a tie that I can't break in my life. No matter how harsh the reality is, I'll give it all for you, I'll just embrace the only you in my life.

Hundred Times

Hundred Times


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