2022-07-27 · 演奏/心靈紓壓
舞動音樂之筆描繪這座心靈島嶼, 訴說著這裡 溫暖善良的人、 四季變幻的景、 多元包容的事物, 以及這片 清幽謐靜之地。 微笑,是恰到好處的暖度; 良善,是世界通用的語言; 音樂,則是直達內心的最短距離。 我們用繽紛的旋律, 將PEI種種美好,收藏在音符與節奏中, 希望在每次聆聽的時候, 這一段段美好記憶,隨之浮現迴蘯, 一遍遍地喚起你 對這塊美好土地的溫暖回憶。 Using music to depict this spiritual island The warmth and kindness of locals The changing scenes of the four seasons The diversity yet inclusion of all people and things The peace and tranquility of this land A smile brings about warmth just so Kindness is the universal language And music touches our hearts immediately Using different melodies Capturing all the beauty of PEI Within the musical notes and rhythm Hoping that with every listen Vivid memories will be recalled Bringing back our wonderful memories Of this dear Island Over and over again 還記得第一次踏上這塊土地的心情,那是在2012年一個寒冷的冬天。從小飛機下來,是我們身處在熱帶地區無法體會的那種冷。小小的機場,小小的行李輸送帶,而內心充滿的是一種期待及興奮的心情,這就是加拿大愛德華王子島! 島上的風景美得像一幅畫——雪白的世界、明亮皎潔的星河、結冰的海面、紅色的土地、蔚藍的天空與島上熱情善良的島民,讓我留下了難忘的美好印象。 我來自台灣,從小到大都是在大城市生活,儘管出國留學也是選擇在巴黎這樣的大都市,但是PEI這種恬淡、寧靜、平和的感覺深深觸動著我的內心! 很開心有機會在這座美麗的島辦過幾次音樂會,也參與了當地獨特的音樂節,發現島民對於音樂的愛好以及對於音樂的那種共鳴,讓我非常地驚訝!音樂會結束後,許多人跑來跟我表達他們對於我所演奏的音樂的感動,讓我覺得真的很開心! 2018年,我做了一個重大的決定,我想定居在島上,想把我最喜歡的作曲家真如老師的音樂以及各種美好的音樂與每個人分享!我相信,音樂可以跨越國界、膚色、語言、信仰,透過音樂,很快就可以跟島上很多同好者成為好朋友,激盪彼此的美好,交織出感人的樂章。在這裡,開啟我全新的人生,我收到許多島民正向的回饋、滿滿的愛與關懷,我開始享受島上的新生活! 希望用我製作演奏的這張專輯,獻給PEI和島上善良的人,感謝你們把我當成家人一般的照顧,我會努力加油,也成為這個美麗島嶼的一份子! --王子承 I remember how it felt when I step foot on PEI for the first time. It was a cold winter day in 2012 and I just got off the airplane. As someone who grew up in a tropical climate, I never experienced such cold weather. In the cozy airport, waiting for my baggage, I was filled with excitement and anticipation—I finally arrived in PEI! The sceneries in PEI are beautiful and picturesque. Snowy white landscape, bright twinkling streams of stars in the sky, frozen sea with the clear reflection of a mirror, red soil, azure blue sky and most importantly, the warmth and kindness of the Islanders. They all come together to form a beautiful picture. I am from Taiwan and grew up in a bustling city. Even when I studied abroad, it was in big cities like Paris. However, it was this idyllic and peaceful feeling in PEI that I really connected with. It is my honor to hold several music concerts in PEI. Through these concerts, I experienced first-hand Islanders’ love for music as well as how music resonates with them. In 2018, I made a momentous decision to move to PEI. I wanted to share music, especially that of my favorite composer, Zhen-Ru, with everyone. I believe that music connects people, regardless of their country, race, language, or religion. It was through music that I made many good friends amongst kindred spirits. Music helps us bring out the best in one another, and together we weave a tapestry of music that can, hopefully, touch even more people. Since day one, I have received much care and love from Islanders. I very much enjoy my life in PEI! I would like to present to PEI and her kind Islanders a gift. “Hello PEI” is an album that I performed in and produced. Thank you for taking care of me like a family! -- Tzu-Cheng Wang 音樂人簡介 【王子承Tzu-Cheng Wang】製作人 〈我熱愛音樂和我的第二個家──愛德華王子島〉 自從搬到愛德華王子島,已經過了好幾個季節。至今我仍無法忘記當我第一次踏上這片土地時內心的激動感。靜美的冬天、雪白的世界、滿天的星空還有熱情的島民,讓那趟旅程充滿了驚喜與讚嘆。當時,我告訴自己一定要再回來;如今,我熱愛這個美麗的家。 各國演出經歷: 夢蓮花交響樂團指揮 法國國立第戎音樂院指揮金牌獎 法國國立馬爾梅森音樂院小提琴演奏家文憑 亞洲 台灣:國家音樂廳、衛武營國家藝術文化中心、台中國家歌劇院 中國:上海東方藝術中心、深圳音樂廳、香港荃灣大會堂 新加坡:維多利亞音樂廳 美國與加拿大 紐約:林肯中心愛麗絲.圖利音樂廳 洛杉磯:華特.迪士尼音樂廳 多倫多:韋斯頓演奏廳 愛德華王子島(夏城):洪堡音樂廳 專輯與獎項 2016年,擔任「太陽王傳說」交響樂專輯之指揮,該專輯入圍傳藝金曲獎之最佳宗教專輯項目。同年擔任鄧吉龍老師「東方美聲禪心」專輯製作人。 2015年,擔任「般若」交響樂專輯指揮及製作人,該專輯獲得2015年金曲獎最佳宗教專輯獎,以及最佳獨立音樂專輯包裝獎。 Conductor, Dream Lotus Symphony Orchestra Conductor Gold Medal from Conservatoire National de Region de Dijon Violinist Degree from CNR de Rueil-Malmaison “I Love Music and My Second Home - Prince Edward Island” Since I moved to PEI from Taiwan, several seasons have been passed. I still can’t forget the thrilled motion that I first stepped on this island. Freezing winter, snowy world, amazing starry sky, picturesque scenery, passionate islanders all make this travel breathtaking and unbelievable. I told myself I must come back again. Hence, I’m back here and decide to live in PEI. Hope to dedicate my favorite music to decorate and enrich this beautiful land! Concerts Held Around the World |Asia National Concert Hall, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts, National Taichung Theater (Taiwan) Shanghai Oriental Arts Center, Shenzhen Concert Hall, Tsuen Wan Town Hall (China) Victoria Concert Hall (Singapore) |USA and Canada Alice Tully Hall of Lincoln Center (New York) Walt Disney Concert Hall (Los Angeles) Weston Recital Hall (Toronto) Homburg Theatre (Charlottetown, PEI) Albums and Award Record |Conductor of <the Legend of the Sun King> *Nominee of 2016 Best Religious Music Album Award of the Golden Melody Awards |Producer of <Zen and Flowers> |Conductor and producer of <the Prajna (the Great Wisdom)> *Received 2015 Best Religious Music Album Award of the Golden Melody Awards *Received the Best Album Packaging Award of the Independent Music Awards. 【真如Zhen-Ru】作曲 當真如創作這些音樂時,她總在內心默默地發願:「凡是能夠接觸到這些音樂的人,我願竭盡所能幫忙他們獲得快樂,去除痛苦。」 一開始並沒有打算將這些音樂公諸於世,因為這些歌曲跟音樂來自真如內心深處對佛菩薩最真誠的感情,以及對生命的誠摯祝福。這些音樂的創作,常常是出現於當真如凝視著佛像,或者被佛菩薩深切的悲心所感動的時刻。 望眼世界,青山流雲、風聲樹影、朝陽明月…… 似乎都吟唱著領悟真理的美妙契機,匯成一曲曲讚頌之河,在她心間輕輕流淌。 “To everyone who comes across this music, I will do all that I can to help them find happiness and remove suffering.” -- The vow Zhen-Ru silently makes whenever she composes Originally meant to be private, these songs are Zhen-Ru’s expressions of her heartfelt emotions to be as a practitioner on the path to enlightenment. Those beside her observe that oftentimes, the music composition occurs when Zhen-Ru is thinking of her spiritual mentors or touched by their deep wisdom and compassion. It is as if her voice acts as a conduit for her divine inspiration. Everything that came into Zhen-Ru's sight – the green mountains, floating clouds, whistling winds, swaying shadows of trees, rising sun, and the luminous moon…, was humming a tune of the truth to be realized. These tunes converged into a river of praises gently flowing through her mind. 【高炳坤Victor Coo】大提琴 大提琴家 學歷:美國密西根州立大學音樂藝術博士 現職:國立台北藝術大學音樂系專任助理教授 Cellist Academic Background: Doctor of Musical Arts, Michigan State University Present: Assistant Professor, School of Music, Taipei National University of the Arts