2023-07-15 · 西洋/搖滾
嫩綠的葉子就像毛毛蟲,柔弱的沒有保護自己的能力,等到天氣冷結霜就好比蛹的階段以為被外在保護得很安全,但從現實面看來只是被謊言包覆,最後心境提升也就是破繭而出,結霜的樹葉通常被人們認為他再也不會有生命力準備凋零飄落,但羽化重生後它依然堅強。The tender green leaves are like caterpillars, weak and unable to protect themselves.When the weather is cold and frosty, it is like the stage of a chrysalis, thinking it is safe to be protected externally. However, in reality, it is surrounded by lies. The final state of spirits raising means breaking out of the cocoon. Frosted leaves are usually considered to lose vitality and are ready to wither and fall, but they are still strong after emergence and rebirth.