2024-05-22 · 演奏/心靈紓壓
清晨的森林裡,鳥兒嘰嘰喳喳地鳴叫 (Chirping Birds on a Fresh Morning in the Woods)
我想你了,你過得如何? (I Missing You, and How Do You Do?)
金剛山的冬天 (Kumgangsan's Winter)
風吹過竹林沙沙作響 (Wind Rustling Through the Bamboo Forest)
森林裡溫暖流動的河流 (Warm Flowing River in the Forest)
蕭邦:夜曲,作品9-2號(雨聲版) (Chopin:Nocturne Op.9, No.2(Rain.ver))
森林裡流動的小溪 (A Stream Flowing in the Woods)
莫札特搖籃曲(雨聲) (Lullaby of Mozart [with Rain Sounds])
安靜的森林裡有風和青蛙 (Tranquil Forest Wind and Frog)
草蟲哭泣的夜晚變成了安慰之歌 (Grass Bug's Song of Solace)
涼爽的風吹過山坡 (The Cool Wind Blowing on the Hill)
我該如何告訴你? (How Should I Tell You)
春天正在綻放 (Spring is Blooming)
星光(夜間森林聲音) (Starlight[with Night Forest Sounds])
愛情詩(夜林之聲) (Love Poem[with Night Forest Sounds])