Klalay 見蝶

Klalay 見蝶


2024-12-20 · 本土方言/流行音樂

相隔五年,Yoku Walis 幽谷瓦歷斯擔任製作人打造全新個人族語創作專輯《Klalay 見蝶》,『Klalay』在賽德克族語意為蝴蝶,專輯名稱以台灣特有種霧社翠灰蝶作為靈感來源,這種生長在高海拔地區的蝴蝶,與幽谷的成長背景緊密相連。而蝴蝶面對著氣候變遷的挑戰,依然堅韌地生存著。正如專輯名稱《klalay 見蝶》所代表的,生命充滿無限可能,永續不息,詮釋了人與自然的共生關係。 Yoku 幽谷以音樂為雙翼翩翩起舞,帶著「夠用就好」的傳統智慧,以山谷為經緯,以族語為基底,穿梭都市從部落出發的姿態,在山谷與都市間的氣息探索音樂的可能性。 專輯更昭示出新的方向,用甜酷且詼諧的語氣融合 Hip-hop、舞曲、Ballad 等多元曲風,抽象的樂曲結構,讓曲創造出多樣的變化,鮮明而充滿活力的節奏、奢華的質感,以及創新的歌曲設計,無不展現出優雅、冒險與革新的精神。幽谷並將賽德克族獨特的文化底蘊和自然景致,化作專輯中的經典元素。顛覆出新鮮的火花,飛出獨樹一幟的幽谷魂。 《Klalay 見蝶》就像是織起生命之網,將八首創作歌曲緊密串連。每首歌看似一個獨立的時空,卻又相互呼應,如,歌曲〈狡猾的Pila Pila〉述說著部落雜貨店的趣事並帶出部落 Gaya 核心價值,並藉以反思人性的貪婪與慾望;〈比拉波〉以自創的愛情咒語,描繪了一段浪漫的戀情,展現出對生活的熱愛;〈Mkan 吃〉對於熱愛傳統美食的詮釋,Yoku 幽谷把五樣傳統美食譜寫成一首歌;〈部落富女〉用「富」諧音;象徵著精神自由,不被定義。 這張專輯就如同將真實生活與在地人物做出了緊密的連結,日常感十足並且幽默有趣。它跳脫了一般大眾對議題艱澀乏味的刻板印象,將故事抽絲剝繭、編織成音符。在這個網中,你將感受到時間的流轉、空間的變幻以及 Yoku 幽谷對土地、環境的深情關懷。借此重新定義土地價值及包容理解多元性。 本作品獲原住民委員會「112年度推展原住民族影視音樂文化創意產業補助計畫」 英文介紹 Five years after her debut album, Yoku Walis has released a new album titled "Klalay." In the Seejiq language, "Klalay" means butterfly. The album is inspired by the Misty Formosan Cupid, a butterfly native to Taiwan's high-altitude regions. This kind of butterfly that lives in high-altitude areas relates to Yoku Walis's background: she was born in a village up there. Despite facing the challenges of climate change, the butterflies still survive tenaciously. Just as what the album title "Klalay Meeting Butterflies" represents, life is full of infinite possibilities and is sustainable, if we can achieve a symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. Yoku Walis dances gracefully on the wings of music, carrying the traditional wisdom of "enough is enough". She weaves mountain valleys and urban streets into her songs; having embarked from her home village to the big city, she explores the musical possibilities in both worlds. The album also reveals the new directions she’s taking. It combines diverse musical styles such as hip-hop, dance music, and ballad in a sweet, cool, and humorous tone. She experiments with musical structure. With vivid and energetic rhythms, luxurious textures, and innovative song designs, she all showcases a spirit of elegance, adventure, and innovation. Yoku Walis also transforms the unique cultural connotations and natural landscapes of the Seediq people into artistic elements. When they combine, sparks fly. Making "Klalay Meeting Butterflies" was like weaving a web of life, and so is listening to it. Each song seems to be an independent space-time, yet they echo each other. For example, the song "Sneaky Pila Pila" tells interesting stories about the tribal grocery store and brings out the core value of Gaya in the tribe, while reflecting on human greed and desire. "Bee-la-bwo" depicts a romantic relationship with a self-created love incantation, showing the love for life. "Yummy" is an interpretation of the love for traditional cuisine; Yoku Walis composed a song about five traditional delicacies. "Modern Indigenous Women" uses the homophony of the Mandarin Chinese word for "rich" to symbolize spiritual freedom. This album closely connects real life with local Indigenous people, full of a sense of everyday life. It’s humorous and interesting. It breaks away from the public's stereotypical impression of Indigenous issues being abstruse and dull, by composing stories in musical notes. In this web that Yoku weaves, you will sense the passage of time, the transformation of space, as well as deep affection and concern for the land and the environment. Yoku’s new album redefines the value of the land and embraces and understands diversity.


狡猾的Pila Pila


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