Metal Girl

Metal Girl




Metal girl /硬底女孩 製作人:劉天健 詞:艾怡良 曲:艾怡良/吳海文/ jay 中譯/艾怡良 Momma said it’s hard to tell 媽媽說這事一言難盡 Didn’t say how bad it feels, fine 卻沒說會令人這麼難受 好吧 Once is enough to grow 經歷一次就足以令人成長 She never knows what’s in my bones, fine 她並不知道 我骨子裡到底萌生了甚麼 沒差 As we all know love is sweet but also fatal 就我們所知 愛情總是甜美卻致命 And you’ll learn to freeze yourself, like a metal girl 然後妳學會變得冷若冰霜 像個金屬製品 Like I said, when you’ve been through it, then you’re a metal girl 就如同我所說 當妳經歷過這些 就儼然成了metal girl(硬底女孩) Lift your pride, girl wipe your eyes, girl let it shine 拿出尊嚴 擦乾妳的眼睛 讓自己再次光芒示人 And that’s the way I survive 這就是我的生存之道 Turn around and see me cry 就轉過身來看看我哭吧 This would be the final time 因為這會是最後一次了 Turn around and keep your lies 轉過身去把你的謊言都省了吧 Gonna make it tough tonight 今晚我是來硬的 No victors in this game 這場遊戲 沒有勝利者 This is what I’ve been told, lies 都是人云亦云 騙人 Look out what I was built for 你得打聽打聽我存在的目的 Wasn’t to lose it all, fight 我不是來輸個精光的 開打吧 When the rain falls down, it cools my heart 當大雨落下 冷卻淬鍊了我的心 Platinum made my soul so keep your crap away 我的靈魂是白金鑄造 少用你那些狗屁倒灶詆毀我 All I got from you was torture 我從你那得到的只有折磨 So it’s time for me to be like, for me to be like Like a metal girl 是時候了輪到我 輪到我做個名正言順的metal girl(硬底女孩) Won’t you go and leave my side, just leave my side 離開我 就離開我吧 This would be the final time to see me cry 這會是最後一次你看我哭了 you see me cry 看我哭吧



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