Zachem Ya

Zachem Ya





Not Gonna Get Us

200 KM/H In The Wrong Lane (10th Anniversary Edition)



Skazhi zachem ya zhdu zvonka. Zachem nemiye oblaka Plyvut ko mne izdaleka I tayut. Zachem lyubov kosnulas' nas Zachem ya plachu v perviy raz Zachem hochu tebya seichas ne znayu (Tell me why am I waiting for the phone to ring. Why mute clouds Float to me from afar and melt. Why has love touched us this way, Why am I now crying for the first time, Why do I want you now. I don't know.) Ya zvezda, ty zvezda. Nas prikazano szhech' Kto-to sdal I dostal Adresa nashih vstrech Potolki po glazam I nikto ne naidyot. (I'm a star, you're a star Someone was told to extinguish us Someone handed in and obtained The addresses of our meetings From eyes on the ceiling And no one will find.) Soskol'znut golosa I slomayetsya lyod I nich'ya bez klyucha I mogila postel' I pora vyklyuchat' I oni na hvoste (Voices will crack, And the ice will break. And I'm lost with out the key And my bed is my grave And it's time to switch off And they've almost caught us.) Ulybnis', razvyazhi Zanaves' zerkala Razorvi I skazhi Umerla, umerla (Smile, Release, Cover the mirrors, Rip apart and say, "I'm dead, You're Dead.") Zamykai I lizhi Stanovis' nikakoi I ruka ne drozhit Vse v poryadke s rukoi Mozhno mstit' Dvazhdy dva (Close yourself off and lie there alone Become no one And my hand won't shake. Everything's ok with my hand. It's time to avenge. As easy as two times two.) Na taksi I sosi, A prostit' nikogda nikogda ne prosi. (I got in the taxi, so suck it And don't ever ask I could never forgive you.) Horosho, horosho. Ya pridumala mest' Poroshok vsyo chto yest' Umnozhayu na shest' Ne zvoni, ne zvoni Ya ustala, ya ustala Ya tebya ne hochu Ty menya (Very Well, that's it. I've found my revenge All the 'powder' I can find *** Multiplied by six Don't call, don't call I'm tired, I'm tired I don't want you I am so fucking tired of you) Skazhi zachem ya zhdu zvonka. Zachem nemiye oblaka Plyvut ko mne izdaleka I tayut. Zachem lyubov kosnulas' nas Zachem ya plachu v perviy raz Zachem hochu tebya seichas ne znayu (Tell me why am I waiting for the phone to ring. Why mute clouds Float to me from afar and melt. Why has love touched us this way, Why am I now crying for the first time, Why do I want you now. I don't know.) Nikogda nichego, Nichego ne nachat'. Nikogda nikogo, Umirat' I molchat'. Ne iskat', ne lyubit', Ne zhalet' I ne spat'. Never ever, (Start anything. Never anyone, Just dying and keeping quiet. No searching. No loving, No denying and no sleeping.) Nikogda nikuda Nikogo ne puskat'. Ne vdvoem. I ub'yom. Im prisnitsya voda. Ne tvoyo. Ne moyo. (Never ever Let anyone go anywhere Not together. And we will kill. And they'll dream about water That's not yours or mine.) Provoda. Provoda. Geroin. Pul'sa net, Tol'ko tih ne pri chem. Abonent otklyucen... (Wires. Wires. Heroin. No Pulse, You won't have to worry about me. Your phone has been switched off...) Skazhi zachem ya zhdu zvonka. Zachem nemiye oblaka Plyvut ko mne izdaleka I tayut. Zachem lyubov kosnulas' nas Zachem ya plachu v perviy raz Zachem hochu tebya seichas ne znayu (Tell me why am I waiting for the phone to ring. Why mute clouds Float to me from afar and melt. Why has love touched us this way, Why am I now crying for the first time,
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