Life Is Beautiful

Life Is Beautiful

毛衍七, 王以太, Dok2, Jessi



Life Is Beautiful

Life Is Beautiful

Life Is Beautiful






D'Angelo Vertudze

Jessi: I'ma hold on I'ma be strong I'ma carry on when life gets crazy Gotta move on Gotta keep strong It might seem wrong but don't be jaded Love is all we need Let it set you free ye ah Wang Yi Tai: I'm not like them how could I sit still If I don't jump on the Mic the disease will Preying請讓今天我的歌詞變成碘酒 用你的信心治愈被感染的街頭 再殺光那些病毒那些假象 像戰勝了sars還有08年的塌方 我的flow不是為了得到你的嘉獎 只想改進一點我認為未來的下場 Look 我把尊重與愛都放在我的Punchline 我們的狀態還在互相傷害 故意把病毒遺忘在愛的窗外 浪費著別人的命也浪費別人的慷慨 S**t talk 忽略謠言聽我的Real talk 誰不希望從病痛解脫 誰又希望一直在醫院辯駁和勸說 誰不希望新年能看煙火 所以別讓你的信心冷卻 一定沒有人最後會被省略 陌生的微笑或許你沒注意到 但我看到天使站在你的身邊 所以千萬別讓你信心變得冷卻 也不要熄滅肺裡本就有的火焰 用音樂守住這個冬天 絕對不會是終點看日出還在東邊 看日出還在東邊 Jessi: Just say goodbye to all your fears The rain is gone now I see clearly You should know that Life is beautiful Life is beautiful We're so beautiful Everybody beautiful VAVA: 華夏的兒女全都連在一起 點亮的所有城市希望讓我們寄予 當萬眾一心能其利斷金早不是秘密 四面八方的愛讓溫暖變得立體 熬過這次最長的天黑 不知道還要留下多少人的眼淚 不管等待我們的困難到底多尖銳 Trust me我會和你一起去面對 龍的傳人絕不會輕易放棄 你會看到團結是多麼的壯麗 大自然總是有很多不同創意對了 這也是對人類某種無聲的抗議 別忘記黑夜過去以後總會迎來天亮 Shout out to白衣天使責任在肩上 用你自己的生命將迷霧吹散 亮起了希望曙光照亮了黑暗 當疾病肆掠讓整個世界 都處在恐慌之中度過了多少個日夜 大家都在堅守陣地 我知道遲早都會贏得這場胜利 別怕不管發生什麼我們都在 你可以給我力量也可以給我傷害 絕對不會倒下總會度過所有苦難 這首歌送給你加油中國加油武漢 DOK2: Riding Up on the hills Looking down the city sophisticated buildings and lights but nothing pretty They shoulda told me I wasn't ready 혼란스러운머리로보이지않네길이 God give me a sign Or am I missing out Reaching out for a help 허나미친사람 취급뿐이지만 We be all right stay cool Don't be devastated be positive prey to Set you free from the system rest in peace we gonna miss them Set you free from the system rest in peace we gonna miss them Set you free from the system rest in peace we gonna miss them Set you free from the system rest in peace need some wisdom Jessi: I'ma hold on I'ma be strong I'ma carry on when life gets crazy Gotta move on Gotta keep strong It might seem wrong but don't be jaded Just say goodbye to all your fears The rain is gone now I see clearly You should know that Life is beautiful Life is beautiful We're so beautiful Everybody beautiful
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