神秘的霧 模糊了前方的路
翩翩飛舞 有毒 長翅膀的豬
潮汐動物 躺在濕的泥土
缺角的麋鹿 至少還隱藏意圖
等待救贖 像老套的餘興節目
吹不散的霧 依然模糊
Just another game
Do I have a better chance?
Does it pay
with my pride, damn, wonderland?
Just another game
Do I have a better chance?
Does it pay
with my pride, damn, wonderland?
潮汐動物 躺在濕的泥土
缺角的麋鹿 至少還隱藏同樣的意圖
等待救贖 像老套的餘興節目
吹不散的霧 依然模糊
Just another game
Do I have a better chance?
Does it pay
with my pride, damn, wonderland?
Just another game
Do I have a better chance?
Does it pay
with my pride, damn, wonderland?