


Dirty Talk









ohhhhh she taught me how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make she taught me how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make 菜脯蛋 she taught me how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make 阿嬤 taught me how to make, how to make, how to make a perfect 菜脯蛋 今天好想吃菜脯蛋 當午飯 想吃的東西沒吃到 會賭爛 趕緊電鍋按下去 飯在煮 冰箱有一兩包 阿嬤遺忘的菜脯 塑膠袋 透出濃郁的鹹味 G FUNK菜脯蛋 yeah 前不前衛 吃飯重鹹 是我要害 我超愛 想配茶配水都可以 我招待 首先Rinse the 菜脯 記得擠乾水分再煮 阿媽講的話愛聽 牌愛簽 (a-má kóng ê ōe ài thiaⁿ pâi ài chhiam) 是毋是去台北你飯攏無咧食 (sī-m̄-sī khì tâi-pak lí pn̄g lóng bô leh chia̍) 鹽巴醬油隨意 調味堆砌 油能推進 和溫度當閨蜜 這道三不五時回味 後勁頹廢 此時有人大喊 食神歸位 ohhhhh she taught me how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make she taught me how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make 菜脯蛋 she taught me how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make 阿嬤 taught me how to make, how to make, how to make a perfect 菜脯蛋 熱鍋 記得油要夠多 阿嬤怕我瘦 拿起那碗蛋跟菜脯 攪拌愛撫 倒入要在油紋出現之後囉 從中心攪拌擴張菜脯蛋的半徑 阿嬤真的有點貪心 她lowkey沒有鑲金 遠方傳來佳音 Sorry for the wait 我西岸的鄉親 菜脯和蛋的焦香 維護和平不動刀槍 壞我胃口都要遭殃 菜脯蛋配口飯 that plate so fine 菜脯和蛋的焦香 維護和平不動刀槍 壞我胃口都要遭殃 菜脯蛋配口飯 that plate so fine ohhhhh she taught me how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make she taught me how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make 菜脯蛋 she taught me how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make, how to make 阿嬤 taught me how to make, how to make, how to make a perfect 菜脯蛋
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