what the ! (中文版)

what the ! (中文版)

Jasmine Yen 甄濟如



idk (對等關係)

idk (對等關係)

idk (對等關係)




Jasmine Yen 甄濟如/Su Ke@Golden Snail lrc


Jasmine Yen 甄濟如

I’m stuck and I can’t get out (我被困住無處可逃) Out of L O V E spell it out (Outta outta my head) (給我滾出去) Outta outta my head (滾出去滾出去) The rocking boat will drown (這條晃動的小船快翻了) Swimming out to speak tapes on my mouth (所有的話將傾瀉而出) Bottle bottle bottling (把情緒都掩藏) All of it in my head (在我的腦海裡) 問題 源頭 是你 想要 操控我 的心 What do u want from me (你想從我這裡得到什麼) 要玫瑰或荊棘 我比你想的勇敢 別叫我乖乖就範 I didn't say it but I sang it goodbye (我沒有說但是我唱了 拜拜) What do u want from me (你想從我這裡得到什麼) We done you're history (我們結束了你是過去式) I really liked u oh well (我曾經很喜歡你) I hope that u go to ! (現在我希望你去!) I didn’t say it but I thought what the hell (我可沒說但是我想的是,不管了) What the hell (不管了) Believe me (相信我) I’m over you (我不在乎你了) Having so much fun now that we’re through (卸下這個包袱現在生活好過癮) Won the game I made you lose (這場我必勝的遊戲你輸了) Imma give u attitude (讓你看看我的厲害) ‘Cause you’re the one to blame (其實你才是需要被責備的那一個) Goodbye Mr. what’s your name (再見,不知名先生) What do u want from me (你想從我這裡得到什麼) 要 玫瑰或荊棘 我比你想的勇敢 別叫我乖乖就範 I didn't say it but I sang it goodbye (我沒有說但是我唱了 拜拜) What do u want from me (你想從我這裡得到什麼) We done you're history (我們結束了你是過去式) I really liked u oh well (我曾經很喜歡你) I hope that u go to ! (現在我希望你去!) I didn’t say it but I thought what the hell (我可沒說但是我想的是,不管了) What the hell (不管了) What do u want from me (你想從我這裡得到什麼) 要玫瑰或荊棘 我比你想的勇敢 別叫我乖乖就範 I didn't say it but I sang it goodbye (我沒有說但是我唱了 拜拜) What do u want from me (你想從我這裡得到什麼) We done you're history (我們結束了你是過去式) I really liked u oh well (我曾經很喜歡你) I hope that u go to ! (現在我希望你去!) I didn’t say it but I thought what the hell (我可沒說但是我想的是,不管了) What the hell (不管了) I really liked u oh well (我曾經很喜歡你) I hope that u go to hell (現在我希望你去!) Yeah now I said it I said it what the hell (但是我現在說出口了,我說不管了) What the ! (不管!)
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