Repeat (腕豪加速版)

Repeat (腕豪加速版)









I don't wanna wait no way 我不想再等待 絕不 All the way around all this 所有這一切 I just want to feel that magic in my feet 我只想感受雙腳的神奇 We'll dance in the night away 我們會在夜色裡起舞 And it doesn't really matter what day 今天星期幾並不重要 I just wanna let the music set me free 我只想讓音樂釋放自我 I'mma let the music set me free 我會讓音樂釋放我自己 Check how I ride on the beat 看看我是如何跟隨節拍的 Chester Young on the beat Chester Young拍子踩得不錯 And Kris Kiss gotta get on the beat Kris Kiss要上場了 Every time that I broke I turn off the heat 每次拍子打錯 氛圍變冷 Aha Check how I ride on the beat 看看我是如何跟隨節拍的 Chester Young on the beat Chester Young拍子踩得不錯 And Kris Kiss gotta get on the beat Kris Kiss要上場了 So why repeat 所以為什麼要重複呢? Let's go 開始吧 DJ put up the best DJ打上最好的歌 DJ put up the put up the best DJ打上最好的歌 So why repeat 所以為什麼重複呢? Let's go 開始吧 DJ put up the put up the best DJ打上最好的歌 Aha That's right 那才對 This one hears the beat 這個人聽到了節拍 DJ can you feel DJ 你感受到了嗎? Turn it up for me 聲音調高點 I don't wanna wait no more 我不想再等待 I want to get down to the kick 我想要下場踢一腳 Stab in the face 往誰的臉上揮一拳 I don't wanna wait no more 我不想再等待 Shout to the crowd 對著人潮狂喊 When I'm up in the place 當我站在這兒 Get ready 準備好 'Cause I'm up in the pace 因為我在加快速度 So I'm trying to turn up in a major way 我在以一種重要的方式展示自己 This track dangerous 追蹤危險 It's not safe to say 不敢打包票 You know 你知道 My flow come show up like a razor blade 我的風格就像刀片一樣湧現 It's why I'm catching a vibe every day today 那就是為什麼我每天都在捕捉氛圍 Get lit when I step in the place 我一踏進 這裡就被點燃 Put it on a repeat 把這加入重複的拍子裡 No time to waste 沒有時間可以浪費 If you wanna party right 如果你想要狂歡 Here's the place 那你就來對地方了 If you wanna party right 如果你想要狂歡 I don't wanna wait no way 我不想再等待 All the way around all this 所有這一切 Only one thing you can give me a release 你只能給我一件事 那就是釋放自我 We'll dance in the night away 我們會在夜色裡起舞 And it doesn't really matter what day 今天星期幾並不重要 I just wanna hear this rhythm on repeat 我想要聽到這個節奏不斷重複 Wanna hear this rhythm on repeat 想要聽到這個節奏不斷重複 Check how I ride on the beat 看看我是如何跟隨節拍的 Chester Young on the beat Chester Young拍子踩得不錯 And Kris Kiss gotta get on the beat Kris Kiss要上場了 Every time that I broke I turn off the heat 每次拍子打錯 氛圍變冷 Aha Check how I ride on the beat 看看我是如何跟隨節拍的 Chester Young on the beat Chester Young拍子踩得不錯 And Kris Kiss gotta get on the beat Kris Kiss要上場了 So why repeat 所以為什麼要重複呢? Let's go 開始吧 DJ put up the best DJ打上最好的歌 DJ put up the put up the best DJ打上最好的歌 So why repeat 所以為什麼要重複呢? Let's go 開始吧 DJ put up the put up the best DJ打上最好的歌 That's right 那才對
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