

惘聞 Wang Wen

2017-10-12 · 華語/搖滾/獨立/實驗

《八匹馬》是惘聞樂隊的第八張唱片,發行於2014年。專輯中收錄了惘聞樂隊在2012-2014年三年間創作的八首歌曲。這是惘聞首次選擇在特殊空間內錄制專輯,他們將錄音場所放在壹處開放的圖書館中,嘗試不同空間和狀態下的錄音體驗。八首歌本身的音樂存在著巨大的差異性,樂隊選擇擴大這種差異:在專輯的制作部分,選擇了四位不同的制作人來完成。《八匹馬》對於惘聞來言,是壹次非常有新意的全新嘗試。 同時,《八匹馬》在海內外收獲了極高的評價。入選beehype:Best Albums of 2014 Top 2;知名評論網站arcticdrones上《八匹馬》獲得了8分的高分評價;同時專輯中《Welcome to Utopia》獲得了Outstanding Songs of 2014 that You Might Have Missed; that’s評定為中國大陸2016年發行的十佳唱片(The 10 Best Albums from Mainland China in 2016)等等; 憑借《八匹馬》專輯,惘聞獲得了2014第四屆阿比鹿音樂獎年度搖滾音樂人;第六屆中國搖滾迷笛獎最佳年度搖滾樂器演奏獎;第十五屆華語音樂傳媒大獎最佳器樂專輯等特別榮譽。 --- 《八匹馬》收錄了惘聞最近三年內(2012--2014)創作的八首作品,每首作品誕生之初所講述的故事或者情景我幾乎都沒有了印象,不同於惘聞以往的創作方式,這次新唱片中的很多歌曲在錄音過程中都經過了大幅的重新編排,甚至在後期過程中我們也加入了很多新的想法。 《八匹馬》的錄制過程,充滿了趣味。我們第壹次放棄了進棚錄音的概念,而是把所有的錄音設備和樂器音箱都搬進了回聲圖書館,壹個奇妙的地方。我們花了大概10天左右的時間在這裏錄音,伴隨著不明真相的圖書館讀者和樓上的咖啡客,我們像極了壹群行為藝術工作者,我們的錄音過程像極了壹個低級的行為藝術作品。整個錄音過程我們並沒有清場,圖書館以及樓梯上面的咖啡店都是在正常營業,所以如果妳仔細聽這張唱片,會聽到很多環境聲甚至人說話的聲音。 後期的混音制作,我們找了四位制作人混不同的歌曲,他們是Tomàn的Wouter, PK 14的楊海崧,Which Park樂隊的老王以及同我們合作了上張唱片《0.7》的安基國。我們拋棄了所謂專輯歌曲的壹致性,因為專輯收錄的8首歌對我們自己來說本身也是差異性很大,所以我們決定幹脆放大這種差異性。 《八匹馬》對於惘聞來言,是壹個有意思的嘗試, 它也是樂隊十五年以來推出的第八張唱片。 --- 惘聞自述 In 2014, Wang Wen released their 8th album <Eight Horses>, including 8 songs written from 2012 to 2014. For the first time, Wang Wen decided to record their album in a non-studio place. <Eight Horses> was recorded in Echo Library, in which Wang Wen’s experimented different sounds for the unique space. For producing, Wang Wen invited 4 different engineers/musicians to mix the 8 songs which made the sound of this album a lot different with their previous works. <Eight Horses> was highly rated by many music media worldwide. Bee hype: Best Albums of 2014 Top 2 Arctic Drones: 8/10 The song “Welcome to Utopia” from <Eight Horses> was awarded as “Outstanding Songs of 2014 that You Might Have Missed” by Arctic Drones. The 10 Best Albums from Mainland China in 2016 awarded by That’s magazine. With <Eight Horses>, Wang Wen won “Rock Musician of the Year” of 4th Abbey Music Award, “Best Rock Music Instruments Play of the Year” of 6th MIDI Music Award, and “The Best Instrumental Music Album of the Year” of 15th Chinese Music Media Award. --- The album “Eight Horses” consist of eight songs composed by Wang Wen in the last three years (2012-2014). I already lost track of the original inspirations for the songs. The stories or places that stimulated the initial motives are vague now. This time, unlike what we used to do before, a lot of the songs were drastically altered during the recording process. We also added numerous new ideas after the recording. It was good fun to record this time. We abandoned the idea to use a studio like always. Instead, we moved all the recording equipments and our instruments to Echo Library. It was an amazing place. We spent about ten days there recording, with the confused readers moving around. It was almost like doing some performance art, in a bad way of course. We didn’t block out anyone during the recording, so the library and its upstairs cafe were both functional. Now if you listened really carefully, you might pick up the sounds of those people around the place at the time. For the mixing process, we had four producers, Wouter Vlaeminck, from Tomàn, Yang Haisong from PK 14’s, Lao Wang from Which Park, and An Jiguo who was also the producer of our last album “0.7”. We give up the wholesome feeling and went to exaggerate the differences of those already very different songs. The album “Eight Horses” is an very interesting attempt for Wang Wen, it is also our Eighth album on our fifteenth year together. -by Wang Wen




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