


2020-02-27 · 本土方言/流行音樂

#本專輯獲文化部影視及流行產業局108年流行音樂製作發行補助花開花落 得人惜~ 耐人尋~假使,一年四季、十二月的令格、二十四個節氣,可以藉由不同花種,形容永不更迭的生命情節。從含苞綻放終至衰落凋零,像是轉動命運齒輪的同時,給予剎那間短暫生命的探索。亦如,不想生活在隨波逐流下的我們,是否也能在紅情綠意時,留下須臾落英的繽紛美景? 舊時代印記下,客家婦女以「四頭四尾」為既定印象被加以著墨。但在勤儉、刻苦和堅韌的性格背後,也有著狹義無形的枷鎖束縛。為了生活,不得不面對現實,放開原有的美麗嬌艷。然而,在許多傳統客家歌謠裡,留下了這些片刻間的美好。那些埋在骨血內客家女性的風采,是自由的、是灑脫的。因為「勇敢」是引以為傲的天性,更是代表現代客家女性轉身過後,新一頁篇章。「不讓我們認識的世界,常流於既定的刻板印象」是《出門看看》筆觸中想要表達的!珮舒這次以不同花卉為引子,寫出這些年來深根發芽的客家花魂,很多的發想來自於身邊路過的風景、發自內心深層的獨白、低潮過後留下最勵志的自己。從古典聲樂轉身傳統民族小調及流行音樂;從流行音樂又跨界電視主持與舞台劇,這段時間珮舒度過一段充實又悵然的旅程!「是吧!音樂還是我的起點,也是我最想要做的。」多重的身分交錯與嘗試,用最大的勇氣跨過無數荊棘,希望成就出新的自己。出門看看吧!不僅僅只流於字面上白話的釋義,跟著珮舒一同往前進!世界很大,讓我們從心出發、踏出門外,看看自己,看看世界!Flowers bloom, flowers fall. Flowers are favorable and intriguing.A year. Four seasons. Twelve months. Twenty-four solar terms. The life cycle of different kinds of flowers, from they are in bud to they are withered, is corresponding to the rhythm of a year. Isn’t that a hint for us to cherish and explore our short journey of life since the destiny wheel has already started to rotate? If we don’t want to merely go with the flow of ordinary life, can we create some gorgeous moments? In old times, Hakka females are praised by the stereotype of “four heads and four tails,” meaning to take care of the four domestic works from the beginning to the end. However, behind the virtue of diligent, hard-working, and persistent, there is an invisible shackle to restrict them. In order to live, they have to face reality and leave behind the character of beautiful and charming. Thankfully, those beautiful and charming spots are preserved and reflected in many traditional Hakka folk songs. The true personality of Hakka females is free and graceful. Being “brave” is a proud nature, it is also a new chapter on behalf of modern Hakka females. Don’t let the world we know stay in its stereotype is what I want to express in “Out There.” This time, I use different flowers as a hint to write out the deeply rooted Hakka spirit. Many of my thoughts came from the scenery passing by, from my inner monologues, and from the inspirational words to encourage myself to get out of the low ebbs.Turing from classic vocal music to traditional folk songs and popular music, and from popular music to TV host and stage play actoress, I have been through a puzzling and significant journey. “This is it! Music is my starting point, and it is still what I want to do the most. “Being through multiple roles and attempts, with the greatest courage to cross countless thorns, I hope to build a new self.Go! New things are out there! Don’t just stay there, move forward with me!The world is so large. Liberate our minds and reach out. Take a look at yourself and see the world! 我和我內在小孩,時常在動與靜之中互相交替拉扯。有時可以慵懶地像隻貓,卻也可以積極地像獵豹。應該是雙子的天性吧!對於設限下的生活充滿憂慮,嚮往的是彩筆揮灑出的五顏六色,是恣意且自由。好奇心的雷達,也一直想知道:當人生中的每一扇門,被開啟踏出去後,可以看到的天空有多廣?可以嚐到的味蕾有多鮮美?感謝你們打開了「出門看看」。對我而言,就象徵著你們也為自己打開了門。專輯中歌詞創作,很多是從客家傳統歌延伸而來。因為花開一現,像短暫而傲然的生命輪迴與客家女人(性)天生強韌有著呼應美感,又或者說這份美感寄生在每個人心中與之交集。文字上,我藉由花來引申,而在音樂表達的語彙上「它就是我開了門之後,看到的色彩、看到的天空、嚐到的滋味」。謝謝三川娛樂、浩世音樂製作團隊、參與此張專輯的年輕編曲家及樂手們,特別一提的是同恩,從錄製第一首歌到最後一首歌都陪伴著我,讓我可以自由轉換運用聲線,更細膩地詮釋內在的感受。更謝謝您們出門看到了我的音樂,也許還可以繼續出門看看自己更寬廣的世界~~My inner child and I often alternately twist in motion and silence. Sometimes I can be as lazy as a cat, but sometimes I can also become actively like a cheetah.It should be the nature of Gemini! I am full of worries to be put under restriction. I am yearning for a colorful and freestyle life. My curious radar has always wanted to know: When every door in life is opened, how wide the sky can be seen if I step out? How delicious is the food that I can taste? Thank you for opening this album “Out There.”To me, it is also like you open the door for yourselves.Many of the lyrics are derived from Hakka traditional songs. A flash blossom of flowers, like a short and proud life cycle. It echoes the natural strength and beauty of Hakka females. The flowers are my hint for “It is the color, the sky, the taste out there that I experienced after opening the door.” Thanks to the team of Soundtron and House Music Production as well as the musicians who participated in this album. Thank you for going out to see my music, and maybe a wider world.




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