2020-07-31 · 華語/流行音樂/獨立/實驗
環形碼頭總是熱鬧的,只是人來人往中,反而更容易讓人失落。在岸邊等待著煙火表演,腦海卻閃過一張張熟悉的笑臉,如這人潮般終成匆匆過客。家鄉遠遠消失在視線中,歸屬感則早已無處安放。流浪,卻努力著,於是我的一個朋友把回憶和期許唱給海鷗聽,讓它帶著思緒,從環形碼頭飛往遠方。 《環形碼頭》以街頭人潮湧動的聲音開始,流行民謠的旋律中被賦予了屬於個人的場景,與民謠吉他曖昧地互動著娓娓道來。說著說著,情緒隨著聲場打開,被後搖式的吉他編曲帶到另一個場域,讓夢溢式的幻想飛舞、徜徉,自帶溫度的氣氛也隨之烘托出意外的層次感。 Filled with the crowd and noises, Circular Quay is a place where liveliness comes with sadness. Waiting by the water to witness the fireworks go off, what comes to mind is the faces that I used to smile to, though not anymore. Home is away, so is my belongingness. Wandering and trying, A Friend of Mine chose to share with the seagulls, and let them carry those memories and wishes to the land of far-beyond. Featuring street noise at the beginning, this folk-pop establishes a sense of personal space with its melody and accompanying acoustic guitar. As the story unfolds, the arrangement leans toward a more post-rock style, unleashing imagination into a rather surreal world for the thrill of an uninterrupted moment. Without notice, the atmosphere surrounds with layers of warmth.