Sankofa 西非豎琴專輯

Sankofa 西非豎琴專輯


2020-12-10 · 演奏/心靈紓壓

實體專輯內含一本小書,英語、西語、中文,講述當年Yerko前往西非馬利拜師的冒險歷程。Sankofa 為音樂家 Yerko Lorca 西非豎琴演奏專輯,內含11首歌,包括非洲傳統與當代歌謠及全創作歌曲,全專輯採傳統牛皮調音的21弦西非豎琴演奏。曲風柔和優美,合適每一個你想要放鬆的時刻。整張專輯由西班牙當地繪師繪製,封面圖騰以非洲迦納圖騰Sankofa為靈感創作,圖騰 Sankofa 代表著汲取過去精華,邁向未來,封面畫作將原圖騰改編,當你將視覺關注在不同色彩與角度,將會發現迥異情景,包含兩張對話的臉、互相交流的精靈、代表男女能量的意象等等。本張專輯象徵著新與舊的交融,專輯內插畫則致敬高第建築風格所繪製,而CD上圖像當你旋轉的時候,也會看見人臉、樹下聆聽的人們、演奏中的音樂家。 Kora琴,又稱西非豎琴,或21弦科拉琴,流傳於西非曼丁文化中的傳統樂器,早期僅有特定血脈的家族才能學習到正統的21弦科拉琴,稱為「Jeli」,他們肩負傳承部落歷史的巨大任務,在尚未能有系統記錄歷史時,他們便是部落裡捍衛文化的戰士,他們吟唱故事,訴說歷史,讓眾人不忘記先人走過的道路。 Sankofa is an independently produced album of local West African music and of the artist’s own contemporary compositions. The album was published in 2011 and includes eleven songs with a total duration of 52:59 minutes. The artist Yerko Lorca plays the traditional twenty-one-string kora (West African harp) and adds the voice to the songs. The album has a minimalist, smooth, elegant and emotional feel to it. The illustrations are representations of the Park Güell, where several of the songs were composed. Sankofais originally a symbol of Ghana, represented in an Antonio Gaudí-style mosaic on the front cover and meaning “study the roots to build the future”. The album design is the result of the combined work of two artists from the north and south of the Iberian Peninsula, respectively: Rubén Guerra from Galicia and Toni Moll from Andalusia. The album includes a booklet in Spanish, Chinese and English, with images on thirty-six pages and the narration of an anecdote while travelling in Mali, where Yerko Lorca learned to play the kora.

Mamá Tierra

Mamá Tierra


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