2023-07-31 · 本土方言/流行音樂
從出生、成長到告別,生命中總有一些歌伴著你走過幽谷或晴朗,而那些生活的旋律,承載著每個人獨一無二的日常印記,歐開合唱團以最純粹的人聲,從壯闊的萬物之初、新生命誕生帶來的恩典與歡悅、別離帶來的傷感、婚禮的歡聚喜悅、勞動的汗滴、長輩的智慧、靈魂的安息,再回到初生的向榮,如同流動的微風,輕柔的陪著你一起走過那些日常風景。 邁向第二十年的歐開合唱團,從青春至壯年,從孩子變成父母,慢慢找到自己最舒適的姿態與模樣,和每個平凡又精彩的生命相同,好好唱歌、好好過日子,將生活化成動人的旋律與和聲,在每一個精巧的爵士和弦行進間,找到安身之處,沉澱紛擾的喧囂,安靜溫柔地享受屬於自己那最好的日常。 ◎本專輯獲111年文化部影視及流行音樂產業局及原住民族委員會補助 Entering their twentieth year, O-Kai’s new album revolves around “the stages of life” as the overarching theme, reinventing many Taiwanese indigenous psalms and chants from various different tribes through the form of A cappella, and bringing on board the production power of numerous maestros and Grammy winners/nominees: David Maddux, Andy Jaffe, Michele Weir, Mark Kibble, Darmon Meader, Nicholas Girard, Bill Hare……etc. Incorporated with the sophisticated chord progressions of jazz, they inject new life and energy into the traditional songs of Taiwanese indigenous culture.