


2024-07-19 · 演奏/心靈紓壓

回返濕地與記憶邊境,重新以聲音詮釋人與自然。 Cicada跨越時差,將過去三張與海洋有關的專輯如潮汐交會; 十年遠行,以新的呼吸感受每一個曾經的留白與休止。 過去從未消失,我們深愛與凝視的事物,比如一首歌與一片礁岸、比如濕地與白海豚……他們依然都在,等待被再次演奏、被你我想起。Cicada相信:「每首曲子都會演化,它們跟著我們一起成長。」 從2013年《邊境消逝》、2015年《仰望海平面》,一路到2017年《不在的你們都去了哪裡》……2024年的《回返》,一次將三種海景,以Cicada更成熟與凝鍊的風格二次沖洗,他們的演奏如同寫真,將回顧的快門再次對準,攝下了礁岩與叢花、土地和家。 任過往被無數次現場與時間的風雨沖刷,回返原來通往了情緒海潮沉澱後的全新演繹,作為Cicada多年踏查、描繪臺灣山海的一次回顧記錄,更精準地以音符追逐音符,用情感錨定情緒。 自選集維持Cicada慣用的同步錄音,重新感受、錄製五首歌曲。以一次回返的時間,將記憶帶回島嶼的西濱,一路抵達東岸,從淺灘匯流向深海。當我們用當下回溯從前,有些深愛與感動,依然與這些聲音緊緊相連。 Cicada revisited the land from memory, a journey over the past ten years, to explore the intersectionality of humans and nature. The past never leaves us. Our cherished memories, like a song, a forest, a wetland, and dolphins, linger and integrate, waiting for us to revisit them. Cicada believes every piece of our music evolves; they grow with us. Cicada unveiled “Coastland Revisited: A Remake of Select Pieces” in 2024. They selected and reinterpreted songs from Coastland, Light Shining Through the Sea, and White Forest. Five songs were recorded live with a mature and polished style, developed through years of live performances and studying the landscape of Taiwan, which promises to transport us to memories of coral, flowers, land, and home, from the shoreline to the deep sea, from the west to east coast of the island. 關於Cicada 成軍於2009年,Cicada以小提琴、大提琴、鋼琴、木吉他四種樂器交織而成。之所以取名為Cicada是因為,人們察覺到蟬的出現,往往是聽到牠們的聲音,而不是看見其形體。 2013年,Cicada開始為台灣的土地創作。《邊境消逝》的主題是西海岸,《仰望海平面》則是東海岸與太平洋,並在2017年延伸至鯨豚、珊瑚與海龜,推出以動物為主題的《不在的你們都去了哪裡》。邁入成團第十年之際,Cicada從海洋走向高山,《走入有霧的森林》宛如以音樂撰寫的登山日記。2022年,透過追尋溪的源頭,將視角轉往山與山之間的森林與谷地,以專輯《棲居在溪源之上》呈現長時間待在山上的各種時刻。 Cicada from Taiwan was formed in 2009 consists of violin, cello, piano and acoustic guitar. It's named after Cicada because people are aware of cicada's existence by their sound instead of forms.  In 2013, Cicada began to compose for Taiwan. The theme of “Coastland” was the west coastland, and “Light Shining Through the Sea” was inspired by the east coast and the Pacific Ocean. “White Forest” released in 2017 drew inspiration from marine life such as humpback whales, dolphins, coral reefs and sea turtles. Cicada walked into the mountain from the ocean on their 10th year and released the hiking journal “Hiking in the Mist”. In 2022, their focus switched to the valleys and forests. “Seeking the Sources of Streams” comprised moments of roaming the mountains.

在海與土地之間 - 2024 Version

在海與土地之間 - 2024 Version


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