前進 Marching

前進 Marching


前進 Marching





前進 Marching

前進 Marching







They got too many questions (他們有太多的疑問) Too many (太多了) Too many questions Too many (太多的質疑 太多了) Too many questions Too many (太多的不解 太多了) Too many questions (太多的疑問) 我不想再問我還需要 I don't want to ask what else I need 填飽我肚子我還需要 To fill my stomach, what else do I need 他們都看著我 They all look at me 他們需要 they need 他們需要我 他們需要我 They need me, they need me Oh god, 請你提醒我危險的邊緣 Oh God, please remind me of the edge of danger I’m usually is a typical type (我通常被人作為典型) 我被寫下超規的代碼 I’m coded with extraordinary rules 成就的代價 The cost of achievements 我不用不用不用再等待了 I don't need to wait anymore 遊戲因為我改變了規則 The game changes because of me 使命感讓他們把我給推著 A sense of mission pushes me forward 你們該看看過去他們瞧不起我的樣子 You should see how they looked down on me in the past 我不會忘記 I won’t forget Like I got a Time Machine (就像我有時光機器) You know that “winning” is my name (你知道翁穎是我的名字) 還沒有⻅過山頂永遠在攀岩從來不攀比 Never seen the peak, always climbing, never competing No one can hurt me (沒人可以傷害我) 我沒有心沒有情不用當奴隸 I have no heart, no feelings, no need to be a slave 他們都忘了 They all forgot 是他們親手成就了我 It was they who made me 他們都忘了 They all forgot 是他們親手毀滅了我 It was they who destroyed me 他們只能走在後面 They can only follow behind Marching (前進) 踮起腳尖走在我的後面 Tiptoeing behind me Marching (前進) 雙手只能放在胸前 Hands only on their chests Marching (前進) 你是什麼貨色就配什麼嘴臉 Your face matches what you are Marching (前進) 他們只能走在後面 They can only follow behind me Marching (前進) 來看看誰能撐過這個冬天 Let’s see who can last this winter Marching (前進) 都只能走我後面 They can only follow behind me Marching (前進) I won’t give you any chance any options (我不會給你任何選擇的餘地) Marching (前進) They got too many questions (他們有太多的疑問) Too many (太多了) Too many questions Too many (太多的質疑 太多了) Too many questions Too many (太多的不解 太多了) Too many questions (太多的疑問) 審判他 Judge him 手上的戒指能押誰的命 Whose life can the ring on his hand pawn Take it off (拿掉它) 他偷了誰的生活走了誰的運 Whose life can the ring on his hand pawn 是白眼狼和虛偽的摧毀了 Take it off, he stole someone’s life, walked someone’s luck 讓世界的善念都墜毀了 It was the ingrates and hypocrites that destroyed 唯利者巧言善辯 假模假樣誰點火放箭 Causing the world’s kindness to crash The profit-seekers, smooth talkers, who shoot the arrows 頭到腳鋒利像是一把鋤頭 Sharp from head to toe like a hoe 至尚者把我命運拴在我的右手 The supreme ones tie my fate to my right hand 他造就我他讓我當這塊硬⻣頭 He made me, he made me this hard nut to crack 我是他的血肉讓他們⻅血封喉 I am his flesh, let them choke on blood 把希望傳遞高舉火炬在黑暗裡 Passing the hope, lifting the torch in the darkness Love this game, Love reality (shows) (偽造的遊戲 什麼才是現實) 逼老實人要他們偷東⻄ Forcing honest people to steal 他們在腐爛 金錢在腐蝕著他們的⻣幹 They rot while money corrodes their spines 世界又多了分苦難 我把過去留在那個地方 The world faces more hardships, I leave the past in that place Holy water,Raining (讓大雨沖刷吧) 他們只能走在後面 They can only follow behind Marching (前進) 踮起腳尖走在我的後面 Tiptoeing behind me Marching (前進) 雙手只能放在胸前 Hands only on their chests Marching (前進) 你是什麼貨色就配什麼嘴臉 Your face matches what you are Marching (前進) 他們只能走在後面 They can only walk behind me Marching (前進) 來看看誰能撐過這個冬天 Let’s see who can last this winter Marching (前進) 都只能走我後面 They can only follow behind me Marching (前進) I won’t give you any chance any options (我不會給你任何選擇的餘地) Marching (前進)
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