Little Bitch (All Japan Goith×Skaraoke)

Little Bitch (All Japan Goith×Skaraoke)




Little Bitch Original Song原曲: The Specials(British ska revival band) Adapter アレンジ: All Japan Goith * All Japan Goith × Skaraoke(共同制作•演奏) One, two If you ever hear a noise in the night, your body starts to sweat. It shakes and shivers in fright, you go to sleep with your mother she hates your guts. She knows that you love her so she holds you tight all through the night until the broad daylight. And when she doesn't come home you gotta sleep alone. Then you wet your bed and I think that's sad. For a girl of 19 that's more than sad IT'S OBSCENE! One, two Your girlfriend's sweet a little 17. She's got the layered hair and the flared jeans. You know what that means? She's just a little queen. She shares your London flat. She thinks that London's where it's at although it stinks and when it rains you wear your hat and your plum colored PVC wet look maxi-Mac You tie your ginger hair back in a bun; you're the ugliest creature, UNDER THE SUN! One, two One, two Go! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! One, two And you think it's about time that you die and I agree, so you decide on suicide. You tried, but you never quite carried it off; you only wanted to die in order to show off. And if you think you're gonna bleed all over me, you're even wronger than you'd normally be. And the only things you want to see are kitsch. The only thing you want to be is rich. Your little pink pointed nose begins to twitch I know you know YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE...BITCH! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Suwi! Suwi! Ya! Ya! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! A-i-ya-i-ya-sa-sa! Suwi! Suwi! Suwi! Suwi! A-i-ya-i-ya-sa-sa! Suwi! Suwi! Suwi! Suwi! A-i-ya-i-ya-sa-sa! Suwi! Suwi! Suwi! Suwi! I know you know YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE...BITCH! One, two Written by Jerry Dammers © PLANGENT VISIONS MUSIC LIMITED 中譯 Little Bitch 1, 2 假如當妳只要一聽到夜晚的喧囂, 身體就會開始冒冷汗。 那驚嚇使得妳發抖、打顫, 妳跑去跟妳媽睡,她厭惡妳的本能行為。 但她知道那是妳的愛的表現, 所以她把妳抱緊,跨越每個夜晚。 直到遼闊的白晝來臨。 當她還未回家時,妳只能獨自入睡。 當妳的淚水浸濕了妳的床單,我覺得那還滿悲慘的。 尤其是對一個19歲的女生來說,就更加悲慘了。 哦!還真是卑猥。 1, 2 妳的女性朋友,正值十七豆蔻年華, 她留著羽毛剪,還穿著喇叭褲, 妳知道那是在耍什麼心機, 她是個小皇后(公主病), 她分租妳在倫敦的公寓, 她心想,哦!倫敦是什麼鬼地方。 雖然它發出惡臭,而且每當下雨時妳要戴起帽子, 還有妳那紫紅色濕漉漉的PVC橡皮防水大衣, 妳把妳的姜黃色頭髮綁成一個髮髻, 在太陽底下!妳是最醜惡的生物了! 1, 2 去吧! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 1, 2 去吧! 妳認為是該死的時候,並且我也同意了, 因此妳决定自殺,妳試了,但妳從未真正掛掉, 妳一心想死只是為了做秀, 而且如果妳認為是為了我才傷害自已, 那就真的大錯特錯,甚至於說妳不太正常, 而且妳只是一心的想要看這庸俗的戲碼, 妳只是一心的想讓這戲碼變的更豐富精彩, 妳那桃紅色的小鼻子開始抽搐, 我了、妳了、妳我都心知肚明, 妳只是有那一點點兒的小...犯賤(妳只是一條小母狗)。 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 水! 水! 耶! 耶! 哈! 哈! 哈! 哈! 唉伊呀伊呀沙沙 水! 水! 水! 水! 水! 唉伊呀伊呀沙沙 水! 水! 水! 水! 水! 唉伊呀伊呀沙沙 水! 水! 水! 水! 水! 我了、妳了、妳我都心知肚明, 妳只是有那一點點兒的小...犯賤 (妳只是一條小母狗)。 1, 2



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