Feels Good

Feels Good


Feels Good








This is how we chill as the beat goes on We gon' bump this in the car till the break of dawn 到底要去哪 真正不知影 我只知道妳美的把夕陽 比 下 今天明天後天都請假 家當放上行李架 下筆描繪妳到我筆下 只有我和你說心裡話 愛你的耍帥 愛你的發呆 愛你到分開 思念還在徘徊 babe 沒什麼大概 你是我的依賴 想被你寵壞 你就是我的全部 Ooh even driving is better with you 我們兜風不用趕路 Autopilot singin' the blues Cos it feels good Take away all my worries And make me feel good Living my best life A hunnid feel good Till I die, I'm high on life It feels good Come ride with me 每一秒都讓人嫉妒 星期五跟你 散步 從來不擔心會迷路 賴著你 就是幸福 Ooh even driving is better with you 我們兜風不用趕路 Autopilot singin' the blues Cos it feels good Take away all my worries And make me feel good Living my best life A hunnid feel good Till I die, I'm high on life It feels good Come ride with me Ooh everything's better with you Everything's better with you Autopilot singin' the blues (We got, we got, we got, we got) We got autopilot singin' the blues We got 車窗外面 changing the views 整個下午的 just me & you 這就像中了毒 喔受不了的酷 I'm down with whatever 只要有妳在 不論看電影或棒球比賽 從不在意我們錢包裡還有幾塊 面對世界就溫柔以待 溫柔的是妳 拿起筆我寫下自言自語 上天的賜予 妳活躍在我的行間字裡 繼續日記我們自己 在小或大城市裡 不管是悲是喜 是淚是雨 You're a hotline in my rhyme book. I make it a hot song 我先捏我自己大腿確定不是發夢 Tell the whole wide world 愛向彼此發送 繼續加重 發動 不挪作他用 Cos it feels good Take away all my worries And make me feel good Living my best life A hunnid feel good Till I die, I'm high on life It feels good Come ride with me Till I die, I'm high on life It feels good Everything's better with you Everything's better with you
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