Requiem for Faith

Requiem for Faith


作詞 žž瑋琪

作曲 žž瑋琪



tja sitjaucikelan a kai ni Yisu (我們傳遞耶穌的話語) (We pass along the words of Jesus) ulja izua levan nua namaqusav (讓渴慕的人得著喜樂) (bringing joy to those who thirst for His words) ari kisamuljai ari kisamuljai (來吧我們一起努力 來吧我們一起努力) (Come, let us work together) papuligu ta ngadan na kakiqeljingan (為主的榮耀之名做見證) (witnessing for the glory of the name of the Lord) tja sitjaucikelan a ngadan ni Yisu (我們傳遞耶穌的名字) (We proclaim the name of Jesus) a namasalu anga kima paseqeljing (讓相信祂的人得永生) (so that those who believe in Him may receive eternal life) ladengau a kiljaluay ladengau a kilaluay (仔細聽 仔細聽) (Listen carefully, listen carefully) izua za nguangua’ aravac a ku senay a maru sepi anga (我有一首美得像夢境一般的歌) (I have a song that is as beautiful as a dream) aza ’adav kata ’iljas aza gadu kata pana (太陽、月亮、高山和河流) (Sun, moon, mountains, and rivers) pinaru cemas anga pa’aljay kasicuayan (以前被我們當作神一樣崇拜) (Once worshipped as gods by us) ayiangakasicuayan (過去真令人懷念啊) (Oh How I yearn for the life I once had) Oh Lord we come to kneel and pray We glorify your name Even in our times of trouble Even in our times of trouble Oh Lord we come to kneel and pray We glorify your name Even in our times of trouble Even in our times of trouble Even though my life is full of troubles Even though my life is full of troubles Even though you fill my life with sorrow Even though you fill my life with sorrow Even though you fill my life with sorrow Even though you fill my life with sorrow



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