Old Me

Old Me

高爾宣 OSN







高爾宣 OSN


高爾宣 OSN

He had this dream 他媽媽看著他 she’s so proud of him He could buy a house he could do anything 台下有觀眾陪著 但那只是 白日夢 但那都是 白日夢 感覺 伸手能碰到天 卻又遙不可及 It got me feeling like 白日夢 但那都是白日夢 I’m still the old me Nothing has changed 吸不到的空氣 Keep grinding 你會嚐到蜂蜜 But I don’t know 我只覺得我變得封閉 誰知道 原本的興趣變那麼重 and I Just wanna prove that I can really do better 我叫我媽媽放心但我也會怕 讓時間停吧 我不要他們年紀大 I don’t even know They set this trap on me I thought I had this world but it collapses on me Been told so long 該怎麼做 but that ain’t me I do it my way yea you can put a bet on me Yea I thought I won this game tho I’ve been sinking down with this pain tho 我只想他們跟著一起點頭 我唱的他們都會唱 I hope that they know 他早就習慣了掉眼淚 It’s kinda funny  當他摸了摸他的表演費 他才知道 it’s all a dream 他作了三年還在相信 Don’t wake him up 他還不想醒 He had this dream 他媽媽看著他 she’s so proud of him He could buy a house he could do anything 台下有觀眾陪著 但那只是 白日夢 但那都是 白日夢 感覺 伸手能碰到天 卻又遙不可及 It got me feeling like 白日夢 但那都是 白日夢 I am still the old me 他回到他的巢穴 身心靈浩劫 他知道自己還有太多事情要學 他遇到商人在路上撒的麵包屑 畫好的餅 He said I don’t know about that He ain’t a kid no more He needs that money tho 但他只想往前走 他的路不會輕易被錢左右 他會獵到那頭鹿讓家裡優渥豐裕 Yea對不起他可能不再幽默風趣 Sun is getting down How you been now? 我的天賦讓我活著卻也讓我瘋掉 你們不喜歡我沒關係coz maybe I don’t like me too I’m staring at the mirror saying who the fuck are you? 你沒有裝備你要怎麼勘查 那裡有電梯為什麼你要選擇攀爬 那你就自己看著辦吧 I’ve been in struggle but now I’m just fuckin done yea He had this dream 他媽媽看著他 she’s so proud of him He could buy a house he could do anything 台下有觀眾陪著 但那只是 白日夢 但那都是 白日夢 感覺 伸手能碰到天 卻又遙不可及 It got me feeling like 白日夢 但那都是 白日夢 I am still the old me
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