So Bad

So Bad

高爾宣 OSN

So Bad






Skot Suyama 陶山/高爾宣 OSN


Skot Suyama 陶山/高爾宣 OSN

So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad Tell me what am I supposed to do And tell me why you wanna burn what we had When everything I did was for you Tired to be the only one I’m not your Earth, and your Moon, and your Sun So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad And what am I supposed to do I ain’t complaining 當我擁有一切 how could I complain it 收到多少愛就得承受多少誤解 我的榮幸 哪怕一切都是陷阱 I ain’t complaining I’m just saying 一切真的不是你想像的那種願景yeah 如果不會留下傷害 Sometimes 我也想過默默離開 That’s right shame on me I never want it all want this fame on me 我只是凡人what you want from me 床頭的藥罐making fun of me Yeah Y’all don’t understand 我的病因不只一個 Take more pills more problems more liquor 演好你的角色別露餡 I thought that we could handle this like grown man So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad Tell me what am I supposed to do And tell me why you wanna burn what we had When everything I did was for you Tired to be the only one I’m not your Earth, and your Moon, and your Sun So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad And what am I supposed to do I’m sorry I won’t talk about it 沈默代表我一定會保護到底 But stop lying 我快看不到妳 如果不是妳 Then I won’t even give a fuck about it 我也想要開心的笑 我也想要醫生別再開新的藥 that’s true 說是為了保護我的大腦 想要咆哮 but it’s a mental lockdown Look I ain’t no saint Everybody different Everybody two faced Everybody judging Everybody lying to Everybody stupid Everybody shut up just mind your own business 我們總是不知不覺看著那片天空 卻忘記自己雙腳已經站在哪裡 Damn I gotta slow down Gotta slow down 找回遺失大部分的自己 So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad Tell me what am I supposed to do And tell me why you wanna burn what we had When everything I did was for you Tired to be the only one I’m not your Earth, and your Moon, and your Sun So tell me why you wanna hurt me so bad And what am I supposed to do
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