2024-08-27 · 演奏/心靈紓壓
日本新世紀療癒音樂人知浦伸司 以樂音紀錄故鄉出雲之水的歌唱 奇蹟頻率528Hz修復細胞,調和生命能量,幫助空間淨化、冥想、放鬆與助眠 這張專輯中,我試圖用音樂來表達我的出生地──日本出雲地區豐富美麗的大自然。 當我長久以來第一次回到家鄉時,我能感受到森林的深邃、廣闊天空中的浮雲,以及河流、海洋和湖泊在閃閃發光。富饒而清澈的水源在不斷循環,創造出美麗的自然環境。 4500年前,出雲一族在尋找理想土地的漫長旅途後,來到這裡。他們一定被晶瑩的晨露和翠綠植被吸引,決定在這片土地上創建一個新的家園。出雲以「神話之地」聞名,許多神靈聚集於此,而神靈當然也存在於大自然之中。 當你步入深林,會遇見清澈的溪流,聆聽流動的水聲可以洗滌心靈、淨化意識。站在廣闊的海洋和湖泊旁,海浪聲和水面的閃爍能治癒靈魂。當你被這些聲音環繞時,意識變得平靜,一個新的世界即將展現在你眼前。 這張以奇蹟頻率528赫茲調音的專輯,旨在用充滿波動的聲音幫助你放鬆,並賦予你創造新世界的力量。 This album uses music to express the abundant nature of my birthplace, the Izumo region of Japan. What I felt when I returned home for the first time in a long time was the depth of the forest, the many clouds floating in the wide sky, and the abundance of sparkling water in the rivers, oceans, and lakes. The clean water is circulating, creating a beautiful natural environment. The Izumo tribe arrived here after a long journey 4,500 years ago in search of their ideal land. They must have been delighted by the fresh greenery glistening with the morning dew and thought of creating a new country on this land where they could feel the power. Izumo is known as a land of myths. A place where many gods gather. God also resides in nature. When you step into the deep forest, you will encounter a clear stream. Listening to the sound of the calm flowing stream will wash your mind and purify your consciousness. Standing by the wide ocean and lake, the sound of waves and the sparkle of water will heal your soul. And when you are surrounded by that sound, your consciousness becomes at ease and a new world appears to you. This album, tuned to 528Hz, was created to help you relax with lots of fluctuating sounds. Deep relaxation gives you the power to create new worlds. Feel the flow of consciousness expanding with the “Voice of Water”.