







Bad Dream





刘柏辛 Lexie Liu


刘柏辛 Lexie Liu/Bekuh BOOM

词 Lyrics: 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu 曲 Music: 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu / Bekuh BOOM I can lead the way, to a sacred place (跟我走,去一个神圣的地方) Where the inspirations come to me (当灵感来袭) I don’t contemplate (我不需要思考) All I wanna do is run, run it down down (只想将能量导入实相) Run it down, run it down down Run it down, run it down down Run it down (思若泉涌, 倘佯恣肆) I’m a magician now (我现在是魔法师了) Wand in my hand (手握魔杖) Set my intentions only (只要想好我要什么) Then magic happens (魔法就会降临) I came with power to create the world (我生来拥有创造世界的神奇力量) 让爱无限打开你翅膀 (Open you wings to infinite love) 现在就闪烁在银河 (Now shine this galaxy) EH ALA OM AH EH Fill me up, holy breath (神的气息充盈我) EH ALA OM AH EH 我回忆起我是谁 (I remembered who I am) Woah Imma work that magic (魔法从心而生) EH AH EH AH 我升起日月星辰 (I rise up the sun, moon and stars) 我的右手举向太阳 (Right hand towards the sun) 闪电游走在我身上 (Lightnings glide on my body) 你要真相还是幻象 (You want truth or mirage?) 还是我 (Or me?) 还是我 (Do you want me?) 转一转 爬上来 (Take a spin, climb it up) 天堂脚下的山脉 (Mountains beneath the heaven) 寻找 (Searching for) 权杖 圣杯 金币 宝剑 (The Wand, Cup, Pentacle and Sword) 发现万物生在 (I realize that everything was born) 空中温柔的尘埃 (From the tender dust in the air of nothingness) 化身 (Embodying as) 雄狮 飞鹰 神牛 天使 (The Lion, Eagle, Bull and Angel) 让爱无限打开你翅膀 (Open you wings to infinite love) 现在就闪烁在银河 (Now shine this galaxy) EH ALA OM AH EH Fill me up, holy breath (神的气息充盈我) EH ALA OM AH EH 我回忆起我是谁 (I remembered who I am) EH ALA OM AH EH Run it down into the planet (将灵能导向这颗星球) EH AH EH AH 我升起日月星辰 (I rise up the sun, moon and stars) I just stay aligned with the love divine (圣爱与我一体) It’s my creation all the time (万象皆由我造) On the way up (道向苍穹开启) Woah——— Imma work that magic (魔法从心而生) EH AH EH AH 我升起日月星辰 (I rise up the sun, moon and stars) … 权杖 圣杯 金币 宝剑 (The Wand, Cup, Pentacle and Sword) 雄狮 飞鹰 神牛 天使 (The Lion, Eagle, Bull and Angel) 权杖 圣杯 金币 宝剑 (The Wand, Cup, Pentacle and Sword) 雄狮 飞鹰 神牛 天使 (The Lion, Eagle, Bull and Angel) EH ALA OM AH EH Fill me up, holy breath (神的气息充盈我) EH ALA OM AH EH 我回忆起我是谁 (I remembered who I am) EH ALA OM AH EH Run it down into the planet (将灵能导向这颗星球) EH AH EH AH 我升起日月星辰 (I rise up the sun, moon and stars) I just stay aligned with the love divine (圣爱与我一体) It’s my creation all the time (万象皆由我造) On the way up (道向苍穹开启) Woah——— Imma work that magic (魔法从心而生) EH AH EH AH 我升起日月星辰 (I rise up the sun, moon and stars) (歌词中英互译 Translated by: Jeremy Z Qin / 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu / Cuilin Chen) 词 Lyrics: 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu 曲 Music: 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu / Bekuh BOOM 制作人 Producer: 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu / Sebastien Najand 编曲 Arrangement/ Programming: Sebastien Najand / 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu 和声编写 Backing Vocals Arrangement: Bekuh BOOM / 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu 弦乐 Strings: Michelle Packman 录音工程师 Recording Engineer: 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu / 唐雅 Ya Tang / Sebastien Najand 混音 Mixing Engineer: Sebastien Najand 母带 Mastering Engineer: Chris Gehringer at STERLING SOUND 监制 Executive Producer: 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu / Niko 歌词中英互译 Translated by: Jeremy Z Qin / 刘柏辛 Lexie Liu / Cuilin Chen 版权公司 Copyright: 刘柏辛工作室 / 泥鞋文化 Nixie Music
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