


2023-03-10 · 華語

Eason陳奕迅全新作歌曲《塵大師》面世林家謙╳林海峰╳李榮浩豁達淡泊心境成就大師啜核五字真言:艾東喼雅斯Eason陳奕迅推出全新單曲《麈大師》,用一種豁達恬淡的心境面對世事,任何情況都能處之泰然,只要內心夠靜、夠定,沒有解決不到的問題,即使壓力千噸重亦能大而化之。Eason陳奕迅有花名叫「吹臣」,碰上「是但噏」的林海峰,換身一變成為《塵大師》。用大而化之的豁達心境面對世事,不論工作、情愛,放下執著與焦躁自然找到問題的解決方法。有時候煩惱源自大家不停放大煩惱本身,但只要換個心態「大到火星咁大當係粉刺」,任何問題都能迎刃而解。《塵大師》集合不同領域的大師「發功」,Eason親自演繹「塵大師」,林海峰幽默風趣的筆風寫出盛載人生哲理又易懂的歌詞,更啜核寫下五字真言「艾東喼雅斯」;林家謙寫出充滿記憶點的旋律,李榮浩以擅長的輕搖滾風格營造意境讓聽眾投入其中。《塵大師》由陳奕迅主唱,林家謙作曲,二人共同監製,再由林海峰填詞、李榮浩編曲,集合現今灸手可熱的音樂人組成強勁班底,打造這首心境豁達同時值得玩味之作。Eason Chan Releases New Single “LIGHTLY”Terence Lam X Jan Lamb X Li Rong HaoPeace of Mind for this Entangled WorldA Back-Down Motto Rhymes “I don’t give a s__ ”Eason Chan Releases New Single “LIGHTLY” Terence Lam X Jan Lamb X Li Rong Hao Peace of Mind for this Entangled World A Back-Down Motto Rhymes in Cantonese Eason Chan releases new single” LIGHTLY”, to face the world affairs with a simple and relieved mind, and to lift things up and put things down with ease in mind. Everything can be resolved, and weighty pressure can be relieved with a quiet and stable mind. Eason has been noted with his chatty character. This time he partners with radio and talk-show host Jan Lamb and becomes a master in “LIGHTLY”. Facing the tangled world of work and love, the only way to find natural peace is to give up stubbornness and anxiety. Sometimes anxiety comes from magnifying it; changing our mind and minimise that in our view, “though it’s as big as Mars, just see it as a pimple”, there we find ways to solve everything.Having Eason interpreted “LIGHTLY” as its master, Jan Lamb writes the text with his usual humour filled with wisdom of everyday life in rhyming and colloquial Cantonese. Strikingly Jan pens in cryptic Cantonese that decodes into a back-down motto “I don’t give a s___”. Terence Lam pens the easily remembered melody, and Li Rong Hao realises a light rock atmosphere for a listener to easily enjoy in its world.“LIGHTLY” is sung by Eason Chan with music by Terence Lam and coproduced by these two artists. With lyrics by Jan Lamb and arranged by Li Rong Hao, “LIGHTLY” is created by one of the strongest musical teams to become a mind-liberating, highly enjoyable work.







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