

Teymu Ukah 德伊木





Ucilung 將我遺忘在海邊吧




Teymu Ukah 德伊木


Teymu Ukah 德伊木

Ptawa ku miyah diyax msangay 等待假日的到來 Awaiting the arrival of holidays, Mmusa ku thiyaq balay nniqan 我想去遙遠的地方 I long to journey to distant lands. Babaw mswayay ku alang ppngrah ciida 向閃爍的城市告別之後 Bidding farewell to the shimmering city, Asi ku tmalang mquri ucilung 我將朝海洋奔去 I shall race toward the ocean\'s embrace. Nasi ku mrdang elu nii da 若是迷失了方向 If I lose my way, Asi ku mksa burah elu pa 那就走一條新的路吧 I\'ll carve a new path forward. Nasi mbahang uyas mu 若是聽見我的歌聲 If you hear my song, Ida qulung lmnglung yamu ka yaku 一定是我在想你們了 Know that I am thinking of you. Psupu ta musa ppulah pa! Dlupung! Dlupung! 一起出去玩吧!朋友們! Let’s go out and play, my friends! Musa ta tmapah qsiya 一起游泳 Let’s swim together, Psasing pa! 一起拍照 Capture moments in photographs, Iya bay chungi mimah ta sinaw pa! 別忘了喝酒啊 And don\'t forget to share a drink. Qmita ta beyhing ucilung pa! Dlupung! Dlupung! 一起去看大海吧!朋友們! Let’s behold the sea, my friends! Miyah miyuk ka buwihur pa 風吹了過來 The wind blows in, Wada mangal naqih kuxul nita ka buwihur 帶走了所有憂愁 Sweeping away all our sorrows. Nasi ku mrdang elu nii da 若是迷失了方向 If I lose my way, Asi ku mksa burah elu pa 那就走一條新的路吧 I\'ll carve a new path forward. Nasi mbahang uyas mu 若是聽見我的歌聲 If you hear my song, Ida qulung lmnglung yamu ka yaku 一定是我在想你們了 Know that I am thinking of you. Psupu ta musa ppulah pa! Dlupung! Dlupung! 一起出去玩吧!朋友們! Let’s go out and play, my friends! Musa ta tmapah qsiya 一起游泳 Let’s swim together, Psasing pa! 一起拍照 Capture moments in photographs, Iya bay chungi mimah ta sinaw pa! 別忘了喝酒啊 And don\'t forget to share a drink. Qmita ta beyhing ucilung pa! Dlupung! Dlupung! 一起去看大海吧!朋友們! Let’s behold the sea, my friends! Miyah miyuk ka buwihur pa 風吹了過來 The wind blows in, Wada mangal naqih kuxul nita ka buwihur 帶走了所有憂愁 Sweeping away all our sorrows. Mqaras ku balay dhuq hini da 來到此地歡快的我 Here I am, joyfully arrived, Asi nami ppqita thhulis kddiyax umi na ka yaku 總是和大海彼此相視微笑 Always exchanging smiles with the sea.
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