2020-10-13 · 西洋/流行音樂
只有奮不顧身的愛情才值得歌頌,這次帶著全新能量劃破天際而來,以RNB包裹著搖滾的巨石,試圖在地表撞擊出一道深深的印記,以致敬音樂里程上的偶像。以往的浪漫在受到了搖滾的鼓舞後也開始變得義無反顧,嘗試著為愛粉身碎骨。濃烈的愛就象徵著自由落體,毫無保留的一躍而下墜落至對方心中。In “Freefall”, ØZI unleashes his inner rockstar as he adds an alternative twist to his new single. With Linkin Park’s 20th anniversary approaching, the singer-songwriter pays tribute to one of his biggest music inspiration by creating a Nu-Metal track that crosses over with Alternative R&B while keeping elements of Hip-Hop. The artist continues to experiment past Mandarin Pop and exhibits his abilities to switch up his sound and style with another full English song. Further showing that his talent stretches beyond his genre, ØZI pairs up with a 3D design team to create a set of visuals that invites his audience to be a part of his universe.